


Help getting started with the SQL extension (Saxon-PE)

Added by Peter Figliozzi almost 11 years ago

Hello, I'm just trying to get the SQL extension example working with Saxon-PE. I understand the following needs to be in the config file, per the documentation:

I put it in the config file as a child of the element. I'm using the Saxon-HE config file provided in the samples directory, with the edition="PE", as there did not appear to be a saxon-PE config file (only EE, and that seems to have features which don't work with PE).

I get the following error when I run net.sf.saxon.Transform:

 Warning: on line 69 column 66 of config-pe.xml:
  Invalid configuration property extensionElement. Supplied value
  'net.sf.saxon.option.sql.SQLElementFactory', required value is the name of a class that
  implements 'com.saxonica.xsltextn.ExtensionElementFactory': Failed to load
Invalid configuration property extensionElement. Supplied value 'net.sf.saxon.option.sql.SQLElementFactory', required value is the name of a class that implements 'com.saxonica.xsltextn.ExtensionElementFactory'

Thanks for any help.


Replies (4)

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RE: Help getting started with the SQL extension (Saxon-PE) - Added by Michael Kay almost 11 years ago

It sounds to me as if saxon9-sql.jar is not on the classpath.

RE: Help getting started with the SQL extension (Saxon-PE) - Added by Peter Figliozzi almost 11 years ago

I believe it is on the classpath:

peter@earth$ java -cp /opt/saxonica/saxon9pe.jar:/usr/local/lib/java/mysql-connector-java-5.1.26 net.sf.saxon.Transform -t -config:/opt/saxonica/config-pe.xml -s:objects.xml -xsl:connect.xsl -o:~/Blitztrade/listTest/testout.xml

Warning: on line 69 column 66 of config-pe.xml:
  Invalid configuration property extensionElement. Supplied value
  'net.sf.saxon.option.sql.SQLElementFactory', required value is the name of a class that
  implements 'com.saxonica.xsltextn.ExtensionElementFactory': Failed to load
Invalid configuration property extensionElement. Supplied value 'net.sf.saxon.option.sql.SQLElementFactory', required value is the name of a class that implements 'com.saxonica.xsltextn.ExtensionElementFactory'


RE: Help getting started with the SQL extension (Saxon-PE) - Added by Michael Kay almost 11 years ago

As far as I can see your command puts saxon9pe.jar on the classpath, but not saxon9-sql.jar.

RE: Help getting started with the SQL extension (Saxon-PE) - Added by Peter Figliozzi almost 11 years ago

Yes, that was the problem. I didn't realize the sql.jar was separate...even after you mentioned it the first time :o



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