


Sharing key indexes

Added by Vladimir Nesterovsky about 10 years ago

Hello, Mr Kay!

I realize it's improper place to write it here but for some reason I cannot add comments to you blog (it just never signs me in to add comment).

To the point.

Your post reminded me the discussion taken at

There I suggested you to refactor index storage like this:

" It it possible to consider the following: a) extend DocumentInfo (probably through DocumentInfo2?) with a "document-data" - map of id to some data. b) for each index to define application wide unique id: number, string, qname, ... c) use "document-data" rather than controller's "user-data" to store indices.

As result index data will be collected automatically along with document as: document refers to document-data refers to index-id: index.

At present: controller's user-data stores index; index refers to a document (even temporary document); document-cache refers to a document (but not temporary one). "

Is far as I remember you have finally decided to extend DocumentInfo but at that time you only stored indexes of temp trees. I'm not aware of the current status, however.

I think that this approach is still relevant.

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