


inconsistency in documentation about enabling XSLT 3.0 with Saxon 9.6

Added by Martin Honnen over 9 years ago

I am a bit confused by the documentation,!using-xsl/xslt30 says

XSLT 3.0 support must be explicitly enabled, for example by specifying version="3.0" in the stylesheet or by using the option -xsltversion:3.0 on the command line.

from that I take it that having @version="3.0"@ in my stylesheets and using Saxon 9.6 EE suffices to use XSLT 3.0. However,!conformance/xslt30 then says

Setting version="3.0" on the xsl:stylesheet element is recommended, but is not sufficient on its own.

For now, I use both @version="3.0"@ and @-xsltversion:3.0@ to make sure, but I would like clarification on this, as it is unclear what happens when I have @version="3.0"@ in my stylesheet but don't use @-xsltversion:3.0@ on the command line.

Replies (1)

RE: inconsistency in documentation about enabling XSLT 3.0 with Saxon 9.6 - Added by Michael Kay over 9 years ago

I think the intent is that in 9.6, setting version="3.0" in the xsl:stylesheet element of the principal stylesheet module IS enough on its own, though there have been a few problems ensuring this works across the piece, e.g. allowing XPath 3.0 syntax in use-when expressions and in the dynamic content of xsl:evaluate. As far as I am aware though, such bugs have been fixed. The statement in the conformance section appears to be out of date.


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