


Is supporting xsl:stylesheet default-validation="strict | lax" an allowed extension to XSLT?

Added by Martin Honnen over 9 years ago

While experimenting with schema-aware transformation and Saxon 9.6 EE I found that it allows the use of the attribute values @default-validation="strict"@ and @default-validation="lax"@ on the @xsl:stylesheet@ element and behaves differently, meaning it takes it into account.

For instance




outputs a warning

Warning: on line 17 of test2015013110.xsl:
  There is no global element declaration for foo






abandons the transformation with an error

Error on line 17 of test2015013110.xsl:
  XTTE1512: There is no global element declaration for foo, so strict validation will fail

According to the allowed values are @default-validation? = "preserve" | "strip"@ and XmlPrime for instance gives a compilation error

XTSE0020: The 'default-validation' attribute of XSLT element  must be 'preserve' or 'strip', but has value 'strict'.

So I wonder why Saxon supports these values.

Replies (1)

RE: Is supporting xsl:stylesheet default-validation="strict | lax" an allowed extension to XSLT? - Added by Michael Kay over 9 years ago

Well spotted.

It seems that the values strict/lax were allowed in the 2003-11-12 draft of XSLT 2.0, and removed in the 2004-11-05 draft, and we failed to implement this change in Saxon, and it took over ten years for anyone to notice.

Will fix this in 9.7, I don't think it merits a 9.6 patch.


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