


config.xsd trivial questions

Added by T Hata over 9 years ago

Regarding config.xsd in,

Replies (2)

RE: config.xsd trivial questions - Added by Debbie Lockett over 9 years ago

Thanks for letting us know. Indeed the configuration file schema config.xsd requires some updates. I've opened a bug #2329 to track progress.

I'll also check and update the documentation as required. In particular - the possible values for xslt/@recoveryPolicy are recoverWithWarnings|recoverSilently|doNotRecover, so config.xsd is correct, and this entry in the documentation referring to the incorrect value 'fail' needs correcting.

Note that while online documentation changes will appear as soon as possible, the resources download is (generally) only updated with major releases. When it's done, I'll attach the up to date config.xsd under the bug #2329 so that it's available immediately.

RE: config.xsd trivial questions - Added by T Hata over 9 years ago

Thanks for the clarification of the values and opening the bug. Config.xsd is so useful. I hope it's kept in sync with the future updates.


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