xsi:type validation breaks my workflow after upgrading to 9.8 HE (Java)
Added by Robert Spari about 7 years ago
We're using an xsl that splits a huge XML file, that we have no control over, into manageable chunks. After upgrading to the most recent version, executing this transformation fails with the message: Error at char 1 in xsl:copy-of/@select on line 16 column 54 of split.xsl: XTTE1510: Unknown xsi:type in element being validated: aType In the xsl at this line there is just a basic
The input file that is causing the issue contains nodes like these:
I can't find any definition for "aType" so I can see why the validation fails. However I'm not sure if this validation is required? It worked just fine with the same files Is there any way I can disable this validation?
Replies (2)
RE: xsi:type validation breaks my workflow after upgrading to 9.8 HE (Java) - Added by Michael Kay about 7 years ago
The code generating this message changed as a result of bug 3062.
I have managed to construct a test case that reproduces the issue. The fix for bug 3062 introduced a check on the validity of the xsi:type attribute that is present on the target of an xsl:copy-of instruction, but the test should not happen if the effective value of the validation attribute is "strip" (which is generally the case in Saxon-HE).
You might be able to circumvent the problem by adding the attribute @default-validation="preserve"@ to the xsl:copy-of instruction.
I will reopen bug 3062 to investigate the issue.
RE: xsi:type validation breaks my workflow after upgrading to 9.8 HE (Java) - Added by Robert Spari about 7 years ago
Unfortunately adding default-validation did not resolve my the issue.
So I guess I'll have to wait for an update on bug 3062.
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