


Apache ANT task for 9.3

Added by Anonymous about 14 years ago

Legacy ID: #9078898 Legacy Poster: Jan-Willem van den Broek (jwbroek)

Hi all, Is there a convenient way to use 9.3 with Apache Ant? I am currently using the supplied Ant Task for 9.2, but I would really like to upgrade to 9.3. Unfortunately, it seems the Ant task for 9.2 is not compatible with 9.3 (see error below), and I can't find a more recent version of the task jar. S:\DEV\Sources\Overig\Templates\build.xml:6: taskdef A class needed by class net.sf.saxon.ant.AntTransform cannot be found: net/sf/saxon/trace/TraceListener using the classloader AntClassLoader[T:\Desktop\lib\saxon9he.jar;T:\Desktop\lib\saxon9-ant.jar] Regards, Jan-Willem

Replies (2)

RE: Apache ANT task for 9.3 - Added by Anonymous about 14 years ago

Legacy ID: #9079032 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

The AntTransform task is no longer maintained. It was too buggy, and there was no effective way of testing it thoroughly because Apache do not publish a test suite for the xslt task that could be used as a baseline. My recommendation is to use the standard xslt task, using the factory attribute to cause Saxon to be invoked. There's a bit of a history of bugs affecting this, unfortunately. This thread should help you navigate through the minefield:

RE: Apache ANT task for 9.3 - Added by Anonymous about 14 years ago

Legacy ID: #9079317 Legacy Poster: Jan-Willem van den Broek (jwbroek)

Hi Michael, That's unfortunate, but understandable. (I have my own set of disappointments regarding ANT...) I'll give the standard xslt task a shot. Thanks! Jan-Willem


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