Line numbers after xsl:import
Added by Marijn Sanderse over 6 years ago
I have a stylesheet that imports a few other stylesheets and some of which import more other stylesheets. I now get an exception: net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException: Too many nested template or function calls. The stylesheet may be looping. at error/etc/mailbase_starter_html.xsl line 499
My mailbase_starter_html.xsl is only 30 lines long so the exception obviously occurs somewhere in the imported stylesheets. How can I relate the reported line number 499 to the correct line in my set of stylesheets?
SAXON-EE / java 1.8.0_121
Replies (2)
RE: Line numbers after xsl:import - Added by Michael Kay over 6 years ago
The location information looks obviously wrong and therefore useless.
We can either investigate the stack overflow (for example by running with the -T option) or we can investigate the reason for the incorrect location information. Either way, there's not very much we can do to help you without being able to reproduce the problem.
RE: Line numbers after xsl:import - Added by Marijn Sanderse over 6 years ago
Thanks for pointing me at -T Michael, that helped me to find the right location.
For your information, the line number turned out to be correct, it is just the name of the stylesheet it is in that does not 'follow' the import
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