Should `-s` command line argument to XQuery be ignored when query declares "declare context item := document{<root>...</root>}" without "external"?
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Added by Martin Honnen over 6 years ago
When I write a query like
xquery version "3.1";
declare context item := document {
and execute it with Saxon Saxon-HE
from the command line I get the declared context item output.
However, when I additionally provide a -s:foo.xml
command line option, the query returns that file and not the declared context item. defines the syntax of the context item declaration as
ContextItemDecl ::= "declare" "context" "item" ("as" ItemType)? ((":=" VarValue) | ("external" (":=" VarDefaultValue)?))
and says
If VarValue is specified, then the initial context item is the result of evaluating VarValue.
In such a case, the initial context item does not obtain its value from the external environment. If the external environment attempts to provide a value for the initial context item, it is outside the scope of this specification whether that is ignored, or results in an error.
So I wonder whether Saxon should not either ignore the -s
provided value or raise an error. Overriding the declared VarValue
in the query seems to be what should only happen in case of using "external", e.g. declare context item external := document{<root>...</root>};
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