Weird behavior - license problem?
Added by Stefan Brandner over 6 years ago
Hi, we are using saxon-ee starting in 2010 and had a very good experience with it over the last years.
Our main usecase is to generate xslt files in altova and our SaaS application server processes them in an tomcat webapplication.
1.) We upgraded to altova mapforce 2017 and use version saxon-ee 0.9.1. Now we encountering following problem with newly generated but previous working stylesheets:
*** Internal Saxon error: local variable encountered whose binding has been deleted
2.) After some investigation it seems that this should work again starting with saxon-ee 0.9.4, so i tried this version, the message we got now is:
Error at xsl:if on line 20569 column 149 of DELVRY05MapToLoading.xslt: XPST0080 XPath syntax error at char 59 on line 20569 near {...'006') and (xs:long(xs:inte...}: The type xs:long is not recognized by a Basic XSLT Processor.
3.) Tried with again with 0.9.5 and above following message: net.sf.saxon.trans.LicenseException: The installed license (serial number M006449) does not cover upgrade to this Saxon version -> it seems for this versions our license is not valid anymore.
4.) Ordered a new saxon-ee test license to test against 0.9.4 and above Surprisingly, with version 0.9.4 the error from 2.) did not occur and it seems to work again.
So my question is now, why does our license which seems to run valid with version 0.9.4 does not work and the testlicense is working?
I hope somebody can shed some light on this issue and help me out.
Thanks in advance,
Best regards Stefan Satiamo GmbH
Replies (1)
RE: Weird behavior - license problem? - Added by Michael Kay over 6 years ago
A complicated sequence of events here!
The internal error "*** Internal Saxon error: local variable encountered whose binding has been deleted" was quite common in earlier Saxon releases, and was caused by expression rewrites (by the optimizer) leaving the expression tree in an inconsistent state. We put a lot of effort in to increase the robustness of the tree rewrites and this problem is very rarely seen any more.
The message "The type xs:long is not recognized by a Basic XSLT Processor." implies that you were using Saxon-HE code, perhaps it was falling back to running in Saxon-HE mode because it couldn't find a license. The rules for a "basic XSLT processor" in XSLT 2.0 didn't allow built-in derived types like xs:long, and this often caused problems for people generating their stylesheets using Altova. Fortunately in XSLT 3.0 the rules have changed and a basic processor now accepts these types.
We would need to look carefully at your case (2) to see why the license file wasn't picked up. There are all sorts of possible reasons (see the "license file troubleshooting" section in the documentation). Saxon 9.4 of course is not a supported release which limits the amount of investigation we can do to help you. The current release is 9.8, and 9.9 is imminent.
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