


Inconsistant behaviour when dealing with text() between different environments

Added by Maria Wernersson over 6 years ago

In our input-document, we have

<head>Verfassung des Deutschen Reichs <lb/>Vom 11. August 1919 <lb/>Reichsgesetzblatt 1919 S. 1383 <lb/>Erster Hauptteil. Aufbau und Aufgaben des Reichs</head>

which, when transformed with a xslt 3.0-script collecting the value from lower-case(head/text()) behaves different depenending on environment.

windows 7, oracle java 8, saxon EE 9.8 (different versions), oxygen, no problem ubuntu 18, oracle java 8, saxon EE 9.6 (different versions), terminal, no problem linux mint 19, openjdk 10.0.2, saxon EE, 9.8 (different versions) terminal: "XPTY0004: A sequence of more than one item is not allowed as the first argument of"

So the construction texttext is either interpretted as one text node or as several depending on environment (my guess, it's the java version...)

I honestly don't know which behaviour is the correct one.

textNodeTestIn.xml (752 Bytes) textNodeTestIn.xml Input file with <head>text<lb/>text</head>
textNodeTest.xsl (476 Bytes) textNodeTest.xsl Transforming

Replies (5)

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RE: Inconsistant behaviour when dealing with text() between different environments - Added by Maria Wernersson over 6 years ago

You can find an example script and input file in the attachement to the original post.

Thanks in advance!

Inconsistant behaviour when dealing with text() between different environments - Added by Community Admin over 6 years ago

I'm surprised at the difference, and I suspect the cause is something other than the operating system difference, but the error is correct: the head element has more than one text node as a child, so the function call should fail. I'm not sure what you actually want as output: perhaps just lower-case(head) will do the job.

Michael Kay Saxonica

On 17 Oct 2018, at 11:08, Saxonica Developer Community wrote:

RE: Inconsistant behaviour when dealing with text() between different environments - Added by Maria Wernersson over 6 years ago

Thanks for the reply Michael,

I'd already changed it to the the latter, lower-case(head) and now it works like a charm.

The original script, written by a colleague is way more excessive, and has been in production for several years, and it has overlived multiple saxon versions so I was surprised that the scenario was handled so differently and therefor just insecure about what'd be the correct behaviour.

I think our solution will be to be more restricted in the use of the text()-function.

Is there a bug in saxon somewhere? should I write an issue?

/Maria Wernersson

Inconsistant behaviour when dealing with text() between different environments - Added by Community Admin over 6 years ago

I would certainly like to understand why you got the behaviour you did. I'm travelling at the moment but will take a look at your files when I get a chance.

Michael Kay Saxonica

On 17 Oct 2018, at 12:54, Saxonica Developer Community wrote:

RE: Inconsistant behaviour when dealing with text() between different environments - Added by Maria Wernersson over 6 years ago

It seems like my example script was a tad too minimal since it gives an error on all our computers... That is, no problem with that one.

I'm going to try to recreate the same situation as in our our original script, which is the source to the inconsistency, without posting our 15 sources and 8000 lines of code.

I'll keep you posted.


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