setting up Saxon-PE 9.9.1 with Camel
Added by Dingjun Jia about 6 years ago
Hi Saxon Community,
I have a test liecense for Saxon PE and want to set it up with camel. Simpley putting Saxon PE jar file and the liecense file in the same directory seems not working. Can someone provide a short guideline, how to get Xquery working with Saxon PE feature in Camel ?
Thanks a lot! Dingjun Jia
Replies (2)
RE: setting up Saxon-PE 9.9.1 with Camel - Added by Michael Kay about 6 years ago
You may be better off asking this one on StackOverflow. There are relatively few Saxon users who actively monitor this forum, and here at Saxonica we're not able to deal with product integration questions unless it happens to be one of the products we use ourselves (which Camel isn't). The expertise for "how to use Saxon with X" tends to come from the X user community.
When a third product X is tested and released to run with a particular Saxon version, it may or may not be possible to run it with a different Saxon version. Sometimes, as you suggest, simply putting a different Saxon JAR on the classpath is all that's needed. But sometimes the other application has explicit dependencies on a specific Saxon version or edition.
Judging from the information at, Camel digs a little deeper into Saxon interfaces than some applications and is therefore more exposed to the kind of details that change between releases. That exchange was written 3 years ago; I don't know if the situation has changed since.
RE: setting up Saxon-PE 9.9.1 with Camel - Added by Dingjun Jia about 6 years ago
Thanks for your quick reply. I have posted my question in stackoverflow and just gave a shot here. Maybe there are some saxon users, who had the similar problem.
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