Raw angle brackets in xsl:message output?
Added by Anonymous about 14 years ago
Legacy ID: #8918178 Legacy Poster: Phil Pfeiffer (phil-pf)
I'm using Saxon 2.0 (HE) to write a preprocessor for a set of XForms documents. If possible, I'd like to print error messages that print element names in angle brackets, rather than fudging and printing something like ?? error: duplicate {body} elements in program source I've thought about this problem for some time, and have not been able to figure out how to get xsl:message to render angle brackets, short (possibly) of switching over to textual output, using xsl:output, which I've been loathe to try for obvious reasons. Is there anything I'm overlooking? Thanks for any (relevant) suggestions. Appreciatively, Phil
Replies (1)
RE: Raw angle brackets in xsl:message output? - Added by Anonymous about 14 years ago
Legacy ID: #8918905 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)
If you use the s9api interface you can nominate a MessageListener to process xsl;message output, and your MessageListener can serialize messages using the text output method, rather than the default, which is to use the XML output method. Of course, if your messages actually contain XML content, this isn't a good idea.
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