xml-to-json function in Saxon EE not streamable?
Added by Martin Honnen over 5 years ago
I tried a simple test case with Saxon EE inside of oXygen simply calling xml-to-json
in the template matching the document node of the primary input document processed with a streamable mode and I get an error
Engine name: Saxon-EE (External)
Severity: error
Description: Template rule is not streamable * Operand {.} of {fn:xml-to-json(...)} selects streamed nodes in a context that allows arbitrary navigation (line 13)
while the same code with Saxon EE works fine inside of oXygen and from the command line.
Example stylesheet is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
exclude-result-prefixes="xs math"
<xsl:mode streamable="yes"/>
<xsl:output method="text"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:value-of select="xml-to-json(., map { 'indent' : true() })"/>
Seems to happen with any input, for instance the XML sample from the XSLT 3 spec
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<map xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions">
<string key='desc'>Distances between several cities, in kilometers.</string>
<string key='updated'>2014-02-04T18:50:45</string>
<boolean key="uptodate">true</boolean>
<null key="author"/>
<map key='cities'>
<array key="Brussels">
<string key="to">London</string>
<number key="distance">322</number>
<string key="to">Paris</string>
<number key="distance">265</number>
<string key="to">Amsterdam</string>
<number key="distance">173</number>
<array key="London">
<string key="to">Brussels</string>
<number key="distance">322</number>
<string key="to">Paris</string>
<number key="distance">344</number>
<string key="to">Amsterdam</string>
<number key="distance">358</number>
<array key="Paris">
<string key="to">Brussels</string>
<number key="distance">265</number>
<string key="to">London</string>
<number key="distance">344</number>
<string key="to">Amsterdam</string>
<number key="distance">431</number>
<array key="Amsterdam">
<string key="to">Brussels</string>
<number key="distance">173</number>
<string key="to">London</string>
<number key="distance">358</number>
<string key="to">Paris</string>
<number key="distance">431</number>
Is that an intended change in 9.9?
Replies (1)
RE: xml-to-json function in Saxon EE not streamable?
Added by Michael Kay over 5 years ago
I found it failed only with the 2-argument form of xml-to-json()
, and that could be corrected by changing the operand usage in the table of function signatures.
But the puzzle then becomes, why was test sf-xml-to-json-002 working?
The answer is that it -- and several other of the tests in the sf-xml-to-json test set -- were using xsl:source-document without specifying streamable="yes", so they were actually running without streaming, and thus not testing anything useful. I have corrected these tests (and am raising a Saxon issue).
Saxon 9.8 has the same coding error as Saxon 9.9, but I won't investigate why it is apparently working when it is wrong.
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