Issue on generation of XML
Added by Anonymous over 14 years ago
Legacy ID: #8698789 Legacy Poster: Xavier GIROUX (girouxx)
We use the EnterpriseTransformerFactory with the licence EE-TRIAL. We set-up property with method XML. and indent to value NO. But the resultof the transformation is a file in Text format. Could we help us? Best Regards
Replies (2)
RE: Issue on generation of XML - Added by Anonymous over 14 years ago
Legacy ID: #8698886 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)
The best place to ask general XSLT coding questions is the xsl-list at, but if you think your problem is specific to Saxon, you're welcome to ask it here. Clearly you haven't yet given enough information for any kind of answer to be possible - usually we need to see source code. Does your transformation produce the expected results if run from the command line?
RE: Issue on generation of XML - Added by Anonymous over 14 years ago
Legacy ID: #8698949 Legacy Poster: Xavier GIROUX (girouxx)
I send you attached files through email. How do we launch the XSLT2.0 schema-aware through command line.
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