compiled xslt / external created NodeInfo
Added by Anonymous over 14 years ago
Legacy ID: #8668147 Legacy Poster: tschroeter (tschroeter-com)
Hallo, as i have read compiled stylesheets must run in a dedicated Configuration because of Name Space issues. Therefore it seems it is not possible to transform an external created NodeInfo because the NodeInfo must be loaded using the same Configuration as the following transformation. Are there some way to transform an already loaded tiny tree model using different compiled stylesheets ? best Regards, Thomas Schroeter
Replies (1)
RE: compiled xslt / external created NodeInfo - Added by Anonymous over 14 years ago
Legacy ID: #8668287 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)
Compiled stylesheets are very inflexible in this regard. The code saved to disk contains the name codes allocated by the Configuration in which the stylesheet was compiled, which means that when the compiled stylesheet is loaded, the old NamePool must be reconstituted (typically as part of a new Configuration), and any source documents accessed by the stylesheet must be built using this NamePool. Another consequence is that it isn't possible for two stylesheets compiled under different Configurations to run in the same Configuration. There's a class called NamePoolConverter which converts a document using one NamePool into a document using a different NamePool (it's a component that can be inserted into a Receiver pipeline) but this is rather low-level stuff. Frankly, I would avoid using compiled stylesheets; the name sounds seductive, but the limitations are so severe that you will often regret venturing into this territory.
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