


Is my attempt to use saxon:canonical serialization extension with fn:serialize wrong?

Added by Martin Honnen almost 4 years ago

I am trying to use the extension saxon:canonical="yes" with fn:serialize as follows with Saxon EE 10.3 Java:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
    <xsl:output method="text"/>
    <xsl:template match="/">
        <xsl:value-of select="serialize(., map { QName('', 'canonical') : true() })"/>

Some I am not sure canonicalization happens that way, at least attributes don't seem to be ordered, as the input sample

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <foo att1="value 1" att2="value 2">
        <bar>bar 1</bar>
    <foo att1="value 2">
        <bar>bar 2</bar>
    <foo att1="value 1" att2="value 2">
        <bar>bar 1</bar>
    <foo att2="value 2" att1="value 1">
        <bar>bar 1</bar>

is output as

    <foo att1="value 1" att2="value 2">
        <bar>bar 1</bar>
    <foo att1="value 2">
        <bar>bar 2</bar>
    <foo att1="value 1" att2="value 2">
        <bar>bar 1</bar>
    <foo att2="value 2" att1="value 1">
        <bar>bar 1</bar>

Am I using the wrong arguments to serialize or is there some quirk with canonical serialization and fn:serialize?

Replies (1)

RE: Is my attempt to use saxon:canonical serialization extension with fn:serialize wrong? - Added by Michael Kay almost 4 years ago

It seems that the code for fn:serialize() has an explicit list of serialization parameters that are accepted, and the saxon:canonical parameter has been accidentally omitted from this list.


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