


Schematron validation in .Net (Core) 5?

Added by Mårten Sörliden almost 4 years ago


I'm currently working in a project where I have been provided a set of rules as schematron files and I'm working in Visual Studio with a solution in .Net 5.

  1. Do you have a version of Saxon that works well together with .Net 5?
  2. Can I use schematron files (sch) or do I have to convert them in some way to xslt before Saxon can use them?

(I have successfully used Saxon-HE in another project ( for validation of xml files with schematron files as xslt in .Net Framework 4.6.1.)

Best regards Mårten

Replies (7)

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RE: Schematron validation in .Net (Core) 5? - Added by Michael Kay almost 4 years ago

We're working on a port of Saxon to .NET 5, but the current product doesn't run under .NET Core because the underlying technology (IKVMC) doesn't support that environment, so we having to change our approach radically.

Saxon itself doesn't support schematron natively. However, there are schematron processors that operate by converting the .sch files to XSLT code and then using Saxon to execute the XSLT code.

RE: Schematron validation in .Net (Core) 5? - Added by Mårten Sörliden over 3 years ago


When do you guess you will have a version of Saxon for .Net 5?

Best regards Mårten

RE: Schematron validation in .Net (Core) 5? - Added by Michael Kay over 3 years ago

We're pretty well at code complete, working on documentation, release, licensing details. Could still be a month away from past experience.

RE: Schematron validation in .Net (Core) 5? - Added by Mårten Sörliden over 3 years ago

I guess SaxonCS 11.0.1 is the answer to my question. Thanks!

RE: Schematron validation in .Net (Core) 5? - Added by Michael Kay over 3 years ago

Yes indeed. Let us know how you get on.


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