parcel function in XQuery 4 not found: license issue or query issue?
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Added by Martin Honnen over 3 years ago
My first attempt to use the parcel
function in XQuery version 4.0 with SaxonCS EE fails with an error
Static error on line 8 column 33 of parcel-as-context-item1.xq: XPST0017 Cannot find a 1-argument function named Q{}parcel() Cannot find a 1-argument function named Q{}parcel()
xquery version "4.0";
declare namespace output = "";
declare option output:method 'adaptive';
declare option output:indent 'yes';
declare context item := parcel(1 to 3);
I am currently not sure whether that is a general restriction of the current SaxonCS release or whether it is related to running it with a valid but specialized Saxon EE-T license.
Any thoughts?
This was essentially the same problem as and is now resolved.
For example:
-qs:"parcel(1 to 3)"
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