


Saxon HE 10.6: format-date() still outputting prefix although language is declared

Added by Daniel Zimmel almost 3 years ago

According to the documentation, using language with format-date() should work in all editions. It is not working for me when using HE. Is this related to ?

format-date(xs:date('2022-03-29'), '[D]. [MNn] [Y]', 'de', (), ())

Running in 10.6 EE:

Result: 29. März 2022

Running in 10.6 HE:

Result: [Language: en]29. March 2022

Windows 10, but also with Saxon 10.3 HE in Linux Locale is de

Replies (3)

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RE: Saxon HE 10.6: format-date() still outputting prefix although language is declared - Added by Michael Kay almost 3 years ago

Please see!configuration/configuration-file/config-localizations

in particular, note:

Note that numberers for various European languages (da, de, fr, dr-BE, it, nl, nl-BE, sv) are supplied in package net.sf.saxon.option.local. In Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE these are compiled into the standard JAR file, but they are not configured by default. In Saxon-HE they are not built-in to the product, but can be integrated from the supplied source code in the same way as user-written localizations.

The "supplied source code" is in the repository at

RE: Saxon HE 10.6: format-date() still outputting prefix although language is declared - Added by Daniel Zimmel almost 3 years ago

Thanks for the clarification - somewhat hidden in the documentation

RE: Saxon HE 10.6: format-date() still outputting prefix although language is declared - Added by Michael Kay almost 3 years ago

Yes, sorry about that. Some products have too little documentation, we definitely have too much, but it's not an easy problem to solve.


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