


Need square #1 stuff - how to i install/run?

Added by Anonymous about 14 years ago

Legacy ID: #8448704 Legacy Poster: TomCon (tomconsf)

Can't figure out how to get this going. Can't find any setup instructions. When i click on the download link, a zip folder opens. But, at that point, not sure what to do. There is a file, saxon9he.jar, when i try to open it, essentailly nothing happens, get a circling cursor for a few moments and then nothing. If i go to the "doc" folder, and then click "index" and then "Saxon documentation" it is a broken link. So, basically, what do i do to install and run? I'm all ready with my XML files and XSLT, just want to run the processor now! Thanks, tom

Replies (1)

RE: Need square #1 stuff - how to i install/run? - Added by Anonymous about 14 years ago

Legacy ID: #8448740 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

The basic "getting started" information is at However, if you're not comfortable with running Java applications and using the command line, you might find that the GUI front-end offered by the "Kernow for Saxon" product is an easier jumping-off point. There's a link to it on that page.


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