Should a Maven dependency of Saxon-HE:test from Saxon-HE be added manually?
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Added by Martin Honnen over 2 years ago
It looks like the file Saxon-HE-11.4-test.jar that comes with the Saxon HE 11.4 distribution is also on Maven and I can pull it into a project (at least in IntelliJ) using e.g.
That doesn't, however, automatically add Saxon-HE-11.4.jar as well. Shouldn't that be defined as a dependency for the test file so that the package is automatically pulled in? Or is any user of the test jar supposed to add the dependency to the Saxon-HE 11.4 manually?
That doesn't, however, automatically add Saxon-HE-11.4.jar as well.
Shouldn't that be defined as a dependency for the test file so that
the package is automatically pulled in?
Yes, that seems reasonable to me.
Be seeing you,
Norm Tovey-Walsh
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