disable-output-escaping with next-in-chain
Added by Anonymous almost 15 years ago
Legacy ID: #8344978 Legacy Poster: Tobias Klevenz (tklevenz)
Hi, I have one stylesheet where I transform escaped angle brackets into elements with <xsl:value-of select="$ssb_lt" disable-output-escaping="yes"/> When I use saxon:next-in-chain to call the next stylesheet disable-output-escaping is not working. I tryed with saxon8 and saxon 9.2 PE from within Oxygen. Is this a bug or is this intended like that? Thanks, Tobias
Replies (2)
RE: disable-output-escaping with next-in-chain
Added by Anonymous almost 15 years ago
Legacy ID: #8345000 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)
disable-output-escaping only affects the way the result tree is serialized. If you don't serialize the result tree, then it has no effect. When you use saxon:next-in-chain, this is what is happening: the result tree is piped into the next transformation without serializing and re-parsing. This is why disable-output-escaping is deprecated in the specification. If your source document contains escaped markup, a better way to handle this is to parse it into a tree using saxon:parse().
RE: disable-output-escaping with next-in-chain
Added by Anonymous almost 15 years ago
Legacy ID: #8345235 Legacy Poster: Tobias Klevenz (tklevenz)
Thanks for that input, makes it clear to me. Since this is a rather small project and performance isn't an issue, I'll just do it w/o next-in-chain. Parsing would be rather complex since there are parts of a string that need to be escaped an others that needn't. Thanks, Tobias
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