


Error XTTE0505 When Using @as On xsl:template with a *

Added by Adrian Bird 23 days ago

Is there a reason why a xsl:template produces as error, but a xsl:variable doesn't when I have the following in the as attribute:


I'm trying to output multiple different top level elements in the same namespace which is why I'm using *.


Replies (7)

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RE: Error XTTE0505 When Using @as On xsl:template with a * - Added by Michael Kay 23 days ago

The reason is that the XPath 3.1 grammar (production ElementTest) doesn't allow it.

Is there a reason for that? We decided that there isn't, so the XPath 4.0 grammar does allow it.

RE: Error XTTE0505 When Using @as On xsl:template with a * - Added by Michael Kay 23 days ago

On the current build I'm getting

Error in xsl:variable/@as on line 5 column 47 of test.xsl:
  XPST0003  Wildcard syntax in item types requires 4.0 to be enabled

but it's possible there are earlier releases in which we allow the syntax through without checking.

RE: Error XTTE0505 When Using @as On xsl:template with a * - Added by Adrian Bird 23 days ago

For interest here's my test case (which is attached as well):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="3.0"

  <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" />

  <xsl:variable name="var01" as="element(Q{http://myns}*)+">

  <xsl:template name="xsl:initial-template">
      <xsl:copy-of select="$var01" />
      <xsl:call-template name="template01" />

  <xsl:template name="template01" as="element(Q{http://myns}*)+">

In 12.5 and 12.4 I get this error (which is a bit odd as it says the node is in the wrong namespace, but the supplied value shows it is in the correct namespace):

Type error on line 20 column 16 of As.xslt:
  XTTE0505  The required item type of the result of template template01 is Q{http://myns}*;
  the supplied value <myns:node> does not match. The node is in the wrong namespace
In template template01 on line 19 column 66 of As.xslt:
     invoked by xsl:call-template at file:/L:/Tests/XSLT/XSLT_As/As.xslt#15
In template xsl:initial-template on line 12 column 45 of As.xslt:
The required item type of the result of template template01 is Q{http://myns}*; the supplied value <myns:node> does not match. The node is in the wrong namespace

In 12.3 I get:

Error in xsl:variable/@as on line 8 column 61 of As.xslt:
  XPST0003  Unexpected <prefix:*> after '(' in SequenceType
Error in xsl:template/@as on line 19 column 66 of As.xslt:
  XPST0003  Unexpected <prefix:*> after '(' in SequenceType
Errors were reported during stylesheet compilation
As.xslt (671 Bytes) As.xslt

RE: Error XTTE0505 When Using @as On xsl:template with a * - Added by Adrian Bird 23 days ago

I should have said I'm using SaxonJ-HE.

RE: Error XTTE0505 When Using @as On xsl:template with a * - Added by Michael Kay 23 days ago

It looks as if the check to disallow this syntax unless 4.0 is enabled was added after the last maintenance release; so the code as issued is probably allowing the 4.0 syntax but not implementing the semantics.

RE: Error XTTE0505 When Using @as On xsl:template with a * - Added by Michael Kay 23 days ago

In fact I think I made this change in the course of investigating bug #6532

RE: Error XTTE0505 When Using @as On xsl:template with a * - Added by Adrian Bird 23 days ago

It looks as if the check to disallow this syntax unless 4.0 is enabled was added after the last maintenance release; so the code as issued is probably allowing the 4.0 syntax but not implementing the semantics.

I don't know what the semantics are, but If I add the following to the variable (and get rid of the error related to the template):


I get both nodes output:


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