Should it be possible to access a DOM property of an element node using the syntax "?propertyName" instead of ixsl:get(., 'propertyName')?
Added by Martin Honnen about 7 years ago
The documentation on @ixsl:get@,!ixsl-extension/functions/get says
Within an XPath expression, JavaScript objects are now treated as XPath maps. So ixsl:get($object, "prop") and $object?prop are interchangeable
What does "JavaScript" object mean in that context, only native JavaScript objects or also DOM/host objects?
I have code like
that works fine but that quoted statement made me believe I could rewrite it as
However, on compilation with Saxon EE I get an error
Static error at char 12 in xsl:sequence/@select on line 16 column 119 of test2017122003.xsl: XPTY0004: Required item type of value of variable $vv:LHS13038103 is function(*); supplied value (.) has item type element(Q{}div)
Is that as intended? Does the quote only refer to pure JavaScript objects created with e.g. @{ foo : 'bar' }@ or @new Object()@?
Replies (1)
RE: Should it be possible to access a DOM property of an element node using the syntax "?propertyName" instead of ixsl:get(., 'propertyName')? - Added by Debbie Lockett about 7 years ago
This is closely related to some of the issues in In particular, we'd realised that that statement about treating JavaScript objects as XDM maps (in the documentation for ixsl:get()) needs clarification... (basically you can do map:get() or lookup, and map:contains() but that's about it).
But yes, the intention is that you should be able to use lookup (map:get()) here. It should work for any JavaScript objects, not only literal objects, so that includes DOM objects. So I think the compile time error in this case is a bug.
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