


Error XError, message: "Internal error: Target component not found at htmlparse.xsl#423", code: "SXJS0004" when trying to use David Carlisle's XSLT 2.0 implementation of an HTML parser from Saxon-JS

Added by Martin Honnen over 6 years ago

I have tried to write an XSLT 3 stylesheet importing the HTML parser David Carlisle implemented some years ago in XSLT 2, however, when trying a simple test case, Saxon-JS gives an error message

r {name: "XError", message: "Internal error: Target component not found at htmlparse.xsl#423", code: "SXJS0004", stack: "Error
    at new r (https://martin-honnen.github.i…", xsltLineNr: "423", …}code: "SXJS0004"compiledLineNr: undefinedmessage: "Internal error: Target component not found at htmlparse.xsl#423"name: "XError"stack: "Error
    at new r (
    at r (
    at q (
    at Q (
    at applyT (
    at Object.V [as evaluate] (↵    at (↵    at (↵    at (↵    at ("xsltLineNr: "423"xsltModule: "htmlparse.xsl"__proto__: Error
V @ SaxonJS.min.js:3
P @ SaxonJS.min.js:3
c @ SaxonJS.min.js:1
o @ SaxonJS.min.js:1
(anonymous) @ SaxonJS.min.js:1
n @ SaxonJS.min.js:1
(anonymous) @ SaxonJS.min.js:1
n.onload @ SaxonJS.min.js:1
XMLHttpRequest.send (async)
asyncGet @ SaxonJS.min.js:1
asyncGetXml @ SaxonJS.min.js:1
asyncGetMultipleXml @ SaxonJS.min.js:1
l @ SaxonJS.min.js:1
(anonymous) @ test201802180102.html:10

I have the test case online at but I will additionally attach the used files.

htmlparse.xsl (30.7 KB) htmlparse.xsl Copy of David Carlisle's HTML parser from
test201802180102.html (612 Bytes) test201802180102.html HTML document hosting Saxon-JS
test201802180102.xsl (1003 Bytes) test201802180102.xsl Simple XSLT 3 stylesheet importing htmlparse.xsl and testing its function to parse a fragment of HTML into nodes
test201802180102.sef (154 KB) test201802180102.sef Compiled stylesheet created with Saxon 9.8 EE and -export -target:JS -nogo

Replies (1)

RE: Error XError, message: "Internal error: Target component not found at htmlparse.xsl#423", code: "SXJS0004" when trying to use David Carlisle's XSLT 2.0 implementation of an HTML parser from Saxon-JS - Added by Debbie Lockett over 6 years ago

Hi Martin, thanks for letting us know about this. We've worked out that it is a run time problem, so I've moved the details to a Saxon-JS bug Please track progress there.


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