Saxon-JS: xsl:result-document inside xsl:try fails
Added by David Cramer almost 6 years ago
My UI can receive an xml document as a uri-encoded, base64 encoded string passed in through a query param. I decode it (using atob()) and then call parse-xml() on the string. Everything works fine UNLESS the string is garbage/not-xml. In that case, parse-xml() understandably throws up. I wanted to wrap the whole mess in a try/catch, but this code contains a xsl:result-document. Unfortunately, when I have an xsl:result-document in the xsl:try, I get the following JavaScript error from Saxon-JS:
"XError: Cannot call xsl:result-document while evaluating variable at ..."
Is there a way gracefully recover from an attempt to parse-xml() on a non-xml string?
Regards, David
Replies (4)
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RE: Saxon-JS: xsl:result-document inside xsl:try fails
Added by Michael Kay almost 6 years ago
Could you provide a repro for this? My guess is that the optimizer is creating a local variable for some reason, but this would depend on the exact detail of your XSLT code.
RE: Saxon-JS: xsl:result-document inside xsl:try fails
Added by David Cramer almost 6 years ago
I've sent a stripped down version of the code via email.
RE: Saxon-JS: xsl:result-document inside xsl:try fails
Added by Debbie Lockett almost 6 years ago
Thanks for the repro.
Rather than wrapping everything in the xsl:try, I think you should put the xsl:try inside the xsl:variable, e.g. something like:
<xsl:variable name="decodedDocinfoXML" as="node()?">
<xsl:try select="parse-xml($decodedDocinfo)">
<xsl:catch select="()"/>
Then you can just use xsl:choose to check whether the variable is a node as expected, for the different xsl:result-document outcomes.
RE: Saxon-JS: xsl:result-document inside xsl:try fails
Added by David Cramer almost 6 years ago
Ah, I see. Yes, a much better approach.
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