Node.JS: Evaluation context and asynchronous processing other than HTTP requests
Added by Gustavo Oga about 4 years ago
Calling Asynchronous functions (Promises) from global object¶
I have node.js asynchronous code that I would like to call from an XSLT template.
The documentation talks about calling global functions here:!development/global.
function square(x) { return String(x*x) }
... <xsl:value-of select="js:square('5')" />...
... the function that I want to call would follow the same pattern, except that it returns a Promise:
function square(x) { return new Promise((resolve) => { ... async work and resolve(result); } }
... <xsl:value-of select="js:square('5')" />...
It was pointed to me ixsl:schedule-action can be used to perform async work, but as far as I can tell it only supports HTTP requests.
Is there any other way to perform a call to an async function from a XSL?
Using an object other than the global or window object as JavaScript context¶
[I've split your second question into a separate thread. See - MHK]
Replies (3)
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RE: Node.JS: Evaluation context and asynchronous processing other than HTTP requests
Added by Michael Kay about 4 years ago
We don't have this capability at the moment, I'm afraid. It's on our roadmap: see my Balisage 2020 paper for an outline of our thinking on this:
It's a fairly major project so it's going to take a little while.
(I wonder if there's something you can improvise using events in the meantime?)
RE: Node.JS: Evaluation context and asynchronous processing other than HTTP requests
Added by Gustavo Oga about 4 years ago
Sadly it seems ixsl:event is only available on the browser side:!ixsl-extension/functions/event
Node.js does have event emitter support, so I'm guessing this could be made available at some point:
For now, it seems I won't be able to call my async code unless I put it through an HTTP request, which is doable albeit a bit wasteful for my purposes.
RE: Node.JS: Evaluation context and asynchronous processing other than HTTP requests
Added by Gustavo Oga about 4 years ago
I decided to go ahead and implement the asynchronous action through an HTTP request, despite the additional overhead involved.
My XSL looks like this:
My source doc is something like:
<topic xmlns:fq="" xmlns:fx="" xmlns="">
<fq:person name="Emmanuel" />
The relevant part of the XSL:
<xsl:template match="fq:*">
<xsl:variable name="query-name" select="xs:string(local-name())" />
<xsl:variable name="query-params" select="map:merge(@* ! map{local-name(): string()})" />
<xsl:variable name="query-uri" select="'https://localhost/_query_/' || $query-name" />
<ixsl:schedule-action document="{$query-uri}">
<xsl:call-template name="render-query">
<xsl:with-param name="query-name" select="$query-uri"/>
<xsl:template name="render-query">
<xsl:param name="query-name"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="doc($query-name)"/>
The output:
<topic xmlns:fq="" xmlns:fx="" xmlns="">
<query-result />
I can see that Saxon/JS is performing the request. If I introduce an error on the https://localhost/_query_/person, it even throws an exception because of malformed XML. So it is picking up the document. But when it calls the template, nothing happens: not only doc() doesn't have the document yet, but also the rest of the template seems to be ignored. It looks as if the call-template directive is not doing anything.
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