


Support #5225


While using xslt 3.0 function "xml-to-json" would like to avoid escaping '/'

Added by Juhi Gupta almost 3 years ago. Updated about 1 month ago.

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We are trying to convert xml to json, while using function "xml-to-json" it is trying to escape '/' by adding '' before it. We would like to avoid doing that and translate as is.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""

  <xsl:output method="text"/>

  <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:variable name="transformed-xml">      
      <xsl:call-template name="SamplBody" />
      <xsl:copy-of select="/map"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="xml-to-json($transformed-xml, map { 'indent' : true() })"/>   

    <xsl:template name="SamplBody" >
        <string key="SamplString">n/a</string>

and the result of this xslt is

  { "SamplString" : "n\/a" }

We would like the result to look like

  { "SamplString" : "n/a" }

Can you suggest a solution for this?

Actions #1

Updated by Michael Kay almost 3 years ago

This escaping is required by the W3C spec, and any JSON consumer should accept the output in this form, but I agree it's not universally popular. (I think the W3C justification was that an unescaped "/" causes problems in HTML script elements, though I can't say I fully understand the problem).

In the case of JSON serialization it's possible to switch it off using the rather cumbersome device of a character map that maps "/" to "/". But that doesn't apply here (unless you parse the JSON produced by xml-to-json() and then re-serialise it.... )

Post-processing using replace() is of course possible, but I don't think there's any other workaround at the moment.

Actions #2

Updated by Juhi Gupta almost 3 years ago

Ah, okay! We can maybe try using replace() and check if its meeting our use case! Thankyou for your quick reply and help!

Actions #3

Updated by Michael Kay almost 3 years ago

I've noticed an oddity in the rules for xml-to-json. It says

Strings are escaped as follows:

If the attribute escaped="true" is present for a string value, or escaped-key="true" for a key value, then:
any unescaped occurrence of quotation mark, backspace, form-feed, newline, carriage return, tab, or solidus is replaced by \", \b, \f, \n, \r, \t, or \/ respectively;
Otherwise (that is, in the absence of the attribute escaped="true" for a string value, or escaped-key="true" for a key value):
any occurrence of quotation mark, backspace, form-feed, newline, carriage return, or tab is replaced by \", \b, \f, \n, \r, or \t respectively;

Note that "/" is escaped in the first case but not the second. I find it hard to see any rationale for the difference, and I suspect it is an oversight.

Actions #5

Updated by Juhi Gupta almost 3 years ago

Ah! that is an interesting find, will also subscribe the git hub issue to see the updates! Thankyou so much for the findings!

Actions #6

Updated by Michael Kay almost 3 years ago

Under issue #4860 we added an option number-formatter : function(string) as string to control formatting of numbers by xml-to-json. (Though we added it on SaxonJ only, it's equally applicable to SaxonJS.) I feel the right approach here might be a similar callback string-formatter that puts string formatting under user control. The only slight complication is that it might need a second argument to indicate whether the string is already escaped.

Actions #9

Updated by Michael Kay over 2 years ago

Having hit this myself yesterday, I'm now inclined to do it the easy way: just add an option escape-solidus=true|false.

Note that all the other characters we escape are characters that MUST be escaped to make it valid JSON.

Actions #10

Updated by Norm Tovey-Walsh over 2 years ago

Two things I observed when investigating this. First, if you put a literal bit of JSON in a select statement, the compiler does the escaping so the runtime option won't have any effect. Second, there seem to be a lot of places where this escaping occurs. I failed to find all of them, I'm sure.

Actions #12

Updated by Norm Tovey-Walsh over 2 years ago

  • Sprint/Milestone set to SaxonJS 3.0

This will require changes in the XJ compiler at least, so it's unlikely before 3.0.

Actions #13

Updated by Norm Tovey-Walsh 6 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Applies to JS Branch 2 added
  • Fix Committed on JS Branch Trunk added

Now that SaxonJ supports the escape-solidus option, it seems practical to add it here as well. I've added support for the escape-solidus option to the serialize() function (when using method="json") and the xml-to-json function.

See also #6488

Actions #14

Updated by Debbie Lockett about 1 month ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Fixed in JS Release set to SaxonJS 3.0

Bug fix applied in the SaxonJS 3.0.0-beta1 preview release.

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