Bug #5269
closedStarting a transformation from the command line with -xsl -it -u
We use Saxon-EE to perform batch transformations. A typical command line looks like this: java -jar path-to-saxon-ee-10.6.jar -xsl:batch.xslt -it -u With version 10.6 this has worked perfectly so far, but when using version 11.1 we get the following error message "URIResolver for stylesheet file must return a Source".
Updated by Michael Kay about 3 years ago
JUnit test created: commands/TransformTests/testUOption
Updated by Michael Kay about 3 years ago
Now working in SaxonJ - a one-line fix. At line 737, for the -u case, we construct a ResourceRequest
but never run request.resolve()
The same test is failing in SaxonCS with the (rather badly formatted) error
Invalid URI: : Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.
This is usually caused by passing a relative URI to the new System.Uri()
constructor without saying that relative URIs are OK.
Updated by Michael Kay about 3 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- Assignee set to Michael Kay
- Applies to branch 11, trunk added
- Fix Committed on Branch 11, trunk added
- Platforms .NET, Java added
Having some problems on SaxonCS because the current working directory is returned (both by Environment.CurrentDirectory
and by System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()
(both of which we use, in different places) without a trailing "/" which means it has to be modified for use as a base URI.
Solved this by centralising calls to get the current directory to a static method in the File class, and making this method add a trailing "/" if not already present. Test now working on both SaxonJ and SaxonCS.
Updated by Debbie Lockett almost 3 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Fixed in Maintenance Release 11.2 added
Bug fix applied in the Saxon 11.2 maintenance release.
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