


Support #6280


xsl:apply-templates without select attribute not working properly in xsl:template with multiple modes

Added by Johan Gheys 7 months ago. Updated 7 months ago.

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When testing Saxon-EE 12.4, we got the following error message during one of our transformations (see attachment):

2023-12-04 22:12:49 [INFO] Batch execution starting...
2023-12-04 22:12:49 [DEBUG] Deleting C:/Data/MyProjects/int-batch/src/test/resources/saxon/apply-templates-xxxx/output/
2023-12-04 22:12:49 [DEBUG] Sleeping for 1 seconds...
2023-12-04 22:12:50 [DEBUG] Execution time: 1.026s
2023-12-04 22:12:50 [DEBUG] Creating C:/Data/MyProjects/int-batch/src/test/resources/saxon/apply-templates-xxxx/output/
2023-12-04 22:12:50 [DEBUG] Execution time: 0.005s
2023-12-04 22:12:50 [INFO] Transforming file:/C:/Data/MyProjects/int-batch/src/test/resources/saxon/apply-templates-xxxx/input/graphicalEdge.xml
2023-12-04 22:12:50 [INFO] 	into file:/C:/Data/MyProjects/int-batch/src/test/resources/saxon/apply-templates-xxxx/output/graphicalEdge.xml
2023-12-04 22:12:50 [INFO] 	using downgrade.xslt
2023-12-04 22:12:50 [INFO] 	parameter macro-target-schema-version=4
2023-12-04 22:12:50 [DEBUG] Exporting file:/C:/Data/MyProjects/int-batch/src/test/resources/saxon/apply-templates-xxxx/output/graphicalEdge.xml
2023-12-04 22:12:50 [DEBUG] Execution time: 0.23s
2023-12-04 22:12:50 [INFO] Transforming file:/C:/Data/MyProjects/int-batch/src/test/resources/saxon/apply-templates-xxxx/input/trackEdge.xml
2023-12-04 22:12:50 [INFO] 	into file:/C:/Data/MyProjects/int-batch/src/test/resources/saxon/apply-templates-xxxx/output/trackEdge.xml
2023-12-04 22:12:50 [INFO] 	using downgrade.xslt
2023-12-04 22:12:50 [INFO] 	parameter macro-target-schema-version=4
Type error at xsl:apply-templates on line 228 column 51 of downgrade.xslt:
  XTTE0570  The required item type of the value of variable $updated-element is element();
  the supplied value text{} does not match. The supplied value is a text node
  In template rule with match="element(Q{}trackEdges)" on line 223 of downgrade.xslt
        Context item: /macro:trackEdges
        Context position: 1
     Local variables
        (All variables are null)
     invoked by xsl:apply-templates (tail calls omitted) at file:/C:/Data/MyProjects/int-batch/src/test/resources/saxon/apply-templates-xxxx/xslt/downgrade.xslt#21
2023-12-04 22:12:50 [ERROR] description: The required item type of the value of variable $updated-element is element(); the supplied value text{} does not match. The supplied value is a text node
2023-12-04 22:12:50 [ERROR] module: file:/C:/Data/MyProjects/int-batch/src/test/resources/saxon/apply-templates-xxxx/xslt/downgrade.xslt
2023-12-04 22:12:50 [ERROR] line-number: 228
2023-12-04 22:12:50 [ERROR] Batch execution failed - see above output for any hints
Error in xsl:sequence/@select on line 26 column 45 of batch.xslt:
  FOER0000  Error signalled by application call on error()
In template xsl:initial-template on line 12 column 56 of batch.xslt:
     Focus: absent
     Local variables
        $vv:v0 {fn:current-date() lt xs:date("2000-01-01")} = false()
        $startTime = xs:dateTimeStamp("2023-12-04T22:12:49.135+01:00")
In template xsl:initial-template on line 12 column 56 of batch.xslt:
     Focus: absent
     Local variables
        $vv:v0 {fn:current-date() lt xs:date("2000-01-01")} = false()
        $startTime = xs:dateTimeStamp("2023-12-04T22:12:49.135+01:00")
Error signalled by application call on error()

The transformation succeeds for macro:graphicalEdges. This element matches 2 templates each having a single mode. The transformation fails for macro:trackEdges. This element matches 1 template with 2 modes. In any case, the error message is somewhat misleading. Note that the problem was already present in 12.3 and that the problem is fixed when line 228 of downgrade.xslt is changed to

<xsl:apply-templates select="*" mode="#current"/>

Files (10.6 KB) Johan Gheys, 2023-12-04 22:39
Actions #1

Updated by Johan Gheys 7 months ago

Added attachment.

Actions #2

Updated by Michael Kay 7 months ago

First observation is that the problem still occurs if we cut out the xsl:perform-sort and just do the xsl:apply-templates.

It seems that the tree that we are processing using xsl:apply-templates includes whitespace-only text nodes; these are being processed using the built-in text-only-copy ruleset, in mode from-5-to-4; this built-in template rule generates the text nodes that cause the type error.

Actions #3

Updated by Michael Kay 7 months ago

It seems to be fairly clear why it is failing: the element macro:trackEdges contains a sequence of macro:trackEdge element separated by unstripped whitespace text nodes, and these text nodes are being copied to the output of the apply-templates, which is expecting a sequence of elements and no text nodes.

Why isn't it failing the same way for the processing of graphicalEdges.xml? Because the template rule that would fail, <xsl:template match="macro:graphicalEdges" mode="from-5-to-3">, isn't executed: it applies only to mode from-5-to-3, which we aren't executing.

Adding <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/> to downgrade.xslt seems to remove the problem.

I see no evidence of a bug here...

Actions #4

Updated by Johan Gheys 7 months ago

Indeed Michael, you are absolutely right. The transformation is part of a series of transformations and crashes sometimes and sometimes not. I tried to isolate and simplify it and thought (wrongly) I had identified the underlying problem. My apologies and sorry for the time you spent on it.

Actions #5

Updated by Michael Kay 7 months ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Support
  • Status changed from New to Closed

No problem. A non-bug is less work than a bug, so it's a pleasure to find them!

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