Feature #6330
XSD Schema Validation in SaxonJS
it would be amazing to have a XSD Schema Validation feature in SaxonJS.
Do you think it is something you could be working on anytime soon ?
Thank you
Updated by Michael Kay about 1 year ago
It's a big project and we're overstretched, but yes, it would be great.
I did some work a few years ago on writing a schema validator in XSLT. Not the schema compiler itself, but an instance validator that's driven from the SCM file exported by the existing schema compiler in SaxonJ. If it's pure XSLT, then of course it can run in SaxonJS. I wrote up the project at https://www.saxonica.com/papers/markupuk-2018mhk.pdf but it never saw the light of day (although the effort wasn't wasted because it led to a lot of the ideas that are finding their way into XSLT 4.0). It would be nice to revive it.
Updated by Eric Van Boxsom about 1 year ago
Thank you for your quick response,
I like the idea of doing the validation using xslt. I will have a look at your paper
Thank you Michael
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