Bug #6524
openxsl:message from stylesheets executed with fn:transform() cannot be obtained by message consummer
When using the fn:transform() inside a stylesheet I am not getting the output of xsl:message from the inner stylesheet in the message consummer. It is listed in the console though.
If I set a message consumer like: net.sf.saxon.s9api.AbstractXsltTransformer.setMessageHandler(Consumer), I receive only the message from the "main.xsl" and the one from "external.xsl" if only written in the console.
Updated by Mircea Enachescu 5 months ago
We managed to resolve this by patching the
net.sf.saxon.functions.TransformFn.call(XPathContext, Sequence[]): line 636
by adding the following code:
if (context.getController() instanceof XsltController) {
((XsltController) context.getController()).getMessageHandler());
Regards, Mircea
Updated by Michael Kay 4 months ago
I note in passing that Saxon appears to have no support for the fn:transform options enable-messages, enable-assertions, or enable-trace, which in turn implies that these are missing from the test suite.
package-text is also missing.
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