Feature #6585
Zip/archive support for Saxon-CS
We have a significant XSLT application that works very well in Saxon Java products, which we use for development. But our production code is deployed in .NET and uses the Saxon-CS product. The XSLT application both reads and writes Microsoft Word files, which are archives, we are unable to use the development product in production, because Saxon-CS does not support zip/archive files.
We would be very grateful if a future release of Saxon-CS provided support for zip/archive files.
Updated by Michael Kay 3 months ago
Could you tell us what specific features you need? Is it just some kind of "jar" like URL that addresses into a JAR file? Or do you need the ability to treat a ZIP file as a collection? Or something else?
Updated by Joel Kalvesmaki 3 months ago
More like the former, but if the latter was available, that would be fine I think as well.
We need to be able take a URI and retrieve all the components in the designated Word/Excel/Powerpoint file, manipulate that sequence of items, then save that sequence as a Word/Excel/Powerpoint file to a specified URI.
Currently the dependency is Open and Save Archive, https://github.com/Arithmeticus/xslt-for-docx (core code here: https://github.com/Arithmeticus/xslt-for-docx/blob/master/open-and-save-archive.xsl). That package uses the jar or zip protocol depending on whether the commercial version of Saxon is available. See notes in the source code.
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