


Bug #6590

closed links to "Converting Arguments to .NET Extension Functions" giving 404

Added by Martin Honnen 3 months ago. Updated 27 days ago.

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Applies to branch:
10, 9.9
Fix Committed on Branch:
Fixed in Maintenance Release:

Actions #1

Updated by Debbie Lockett 29 days ago

  • Assignee set to Debbie Lockett

Thanks for reporting this Martin. The problem seems to be with section ids containing '.'. As well as the example provided, I can find a couple of other cases too. I'll look at getting it fixed...

Actions #2

Updated by Debbie Lockett 28 days ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress

More specifically, this is a problem for sections which have an id containing '.', and which also contain subsections.

In general, HTML documentation links in the generated HTML docs will look like:

  • for sections which do not contain subsections
  • for sections which contain subsections, and then we rely on a server redirect to add '/index.html' to the URI, and find the right page

This redirect is defined in indexed.js:

  // Ends with something that doesn't have an extension, add /index.html
  if (request.uri.match(/^.*\/[^\/\.]+$/)) {
    return {
      statusCode: 301,
      statusDescription: 'Found',
      headers: {
        'location': { value: request.uri + '/index.html' }

So the problem is that if subsection contains a '.', then this is itself recognised as an extension, and the redirect to add '/index.html' is not applied.

I think the easiest fix is to add a specific redirect for URIs ending '.net'. It looks like extensibility/dotnetextensions/ is the only section affected by this bug, but this is found in the HTML docs for Saxon 10 and earlier (so also 9.9, 9.8, 9.7...). So although I could update the stylesheets for generating the HTML docs to explicitly add the "/index.html" to URIs as required, we don't really want to have to regenerate all of those.

In general, it would be good to avoid '.' in section ids in the documentation, to prevent a recurrence of this issue. Note that the extensibility/dotnetextensions section (and in particular the problematic extensibility/dotnetextensions/ was removed from the docs from Saxon 11. I have searched for ids containing '.' in the Saxon 12 docs, and the remaining list is:

  • schema-processing/extensions11/saxon.message
  • schema-processing/extensions11/saxon.order-unique
  • schema-processing/extensions11/saxon.separator
  • schema-processing/extensions11/saxon.flags
  • schema-processing/extensions11/saxon.param

Note that none of these currently cause a problem, because these sections do not contain subsections. But I'm thinking I might rename these on the main branch, and add a check that no ids contain '.'.

Actions #3

Updated by Debbie Lockett 28 days ago

I've committed a change (and opened a pull request) to fix this in indexes.js in the static-saxonica-com repo:

Update indexes.js to handle URIs ending '.net'. The docs contain sections with such a name, where this is not intended as an extension; and we should still be redirecting to index.html.

Actions #4

Updated by Debbie Lockett 27 days ago

The changes committed to static-saxonica-com have now been deployed, so the bug in the online HTML documentation is fixed.

I'm keeping this issue open while I still work on other follow up improvements as mentioned in #note-2.

Actions #5

Updated by Debbie Lockett 27 days ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Further improvements committed on the main branch only:

  • Add a check in to-static/s-viewer_app.xsl for section ids that contain '.', and output a message warning if any are found (other than the changes sections which have ids like "v9.9").
  • Rename the schema-processing/extensions11 subsections which contained '.' (and update existing links).
  • Update the f:index-fix function (in the to-static/s-body.xsl stylesheet) to explicitly add '/index.html' to the paths used for links, rather than relying on the redirect (which fixes a potential issue when using fragments to link to subsections of a page).
  • Other tidying up in the s-viewer_app.xsl stylesheet.

And I'm now marking this closed.

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