Bug #678
closedFastStringBuilder and Maps
SourceForge user: rohanr2
I am doing odd things with a map inside an xslt page
where at the top of the page:
xmlns:map="java:java.util.TreeMap" (or HashMap I've
tried both)
<xsl:variable name="mymap" select="map:new()" />
where keyname is something like 'html.center'
when I query the map to see what the keySet is
<xsl:value-of select="map:keySet($mymap)" />
all looks well; however it is not possible to retrieve
the data using a key no matter what I do. for example:
<xsl:value-of select="map:get($mymap,'html.center')"/>
returns nothing
<xsl:value-of select="map:containsKey($mymap,
'html.center')" />
returns false
but listing the keySet
<xsl:value-of select="map:keySet($mymap)"/>
says that html.center is indeed there. I am just taking
a wild guess - does FastStringBuffer need a compare
method? I think it might be that the map can't find the
key because of that (seeing FastStringBuffer is not a
subclass of string)
I've tried string() and concat() to try to make they
key a "for sure" string, but that's not working either.
This process used to work pre 8 (or early 8 I am not
100% sure but it did work at one point).
Thank you for all your hard work and your killer
transformer btw
Updated by Anonymous about 19 years ago
SourceForge user: mhkay
Logged In: YES
I can't reproduce this. This stylesheet:
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"
<xsl:param name="keyname" select="'html.center'"/>
<xsl:param name="listenerOutput" select="'abracadabra'"/>
<xsl:template name="main"
xmlns:map="java:java.util.TreeMap" >
<xsl:variable name="mymap" select="map:new()" />
<xsl:value-of select="map:keySet($mymap)" />
select="map:containsKey($mymap,'html.center')" />
produces this output:
Please submit a complete self-contained test case that
demonstrates the problem, and say which version you are running.
Updated by Anonymous about 19 years ago
SourceForge user: mhkay
Logged In: YES
Another observation: the value actually stored in your Map
is a Java object of class net.sf.saxon.value.StringValue.
Because the signature of the put() and get() methods
requires only Object, it's important that the values you
supply in your calls to these methods are actually of the
same XPath type. StringValue has an equals() method which
relies on String.equals(). It should also cause a string to
match an UntypedAtomicValue. But if you supplied a node in
the call on get() it wouldn't work: as the Java method
accepts Object, the node would not be atomized.
I don't think the behaviour of FastStringBuffer comes into it.
Updated by Anonymous about 19 years ago
SourceForge user: rohanr2
Logged In: YES
I am not sure if it will help, but here is the file - it's part of a larger
system though...
the map key get set at line 140 and retrived at 174. The template
"thoth:include" runs another java extention that does another transform
and returns the result as a java String, looks something like:
<xsl:variable name="results"
<xsl:value-of select="$results" />
where that method returns a proper java String.
And it was an eariler version of saxon 8 that it worked (the name of the
working jar is saxon8.jar, and the date on the file is May 30th)
Updated by Anonymous about 19 years ago
SourceForge user: mhkay
Logged In: YES
Sorry, I can't really help you debug this unless you provide
me with something I can run.
My guess would be that you're falling foul of some
optimization. Calling methods with side-effects (such as
map.put()) can behave in very unpredictable ways, given the
non-sequential execution model of XSLT. It's really not a
recommended way of using the language.
I'd suggest you write your own Map class as a wrapper around
the Hashmap class, and trace the calls on put and get, with
particular attention to the types of the objects that are
being put/got.
Michael Kay
Updated by Anonymous about 19 years ago
SourceForge user: mhkay
Logged In: YES
By the way, I should have reminded you of the notice on the
"Submit" bug" form that this section of the site is for
comfirmed bugs only. Please use "support requests" or the
saxon-help list/forum in future. To make life easier for
people searching for real bugs, I'm marking this one as
Michael Kay
Updated by Anonymous about 19 years ago
SourceForge user: rohanr2
Logged In: YES
I fully understand - I was assuming it was a bug in saxon since it worked
with an earily version and not with the lastest. I'll write a standlone test
case as you suggested later today.
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