


Bug #3710

Updated by Michael Kay almost 6 years ago

Reported by Norm Walsh on saxon-help mailing list: 




 I hope this is useful. Apologies, I don’t have time to coax out a 


 smaller test case. It’s a small DocBook document. Works fine with 


 Saxon 9.6 and 9.8, but blows up with 9.7.0-11 and 9.7.0-21. 


 If you want to run it, I believe the following recipe will work, 


 though it carries a bit of baggage along with it. 


 1. Clone 


 2. Run: 


   gradle -PsaxonVersion=9.7.0-21 -PxmlCalabashVersion=1.1.16-97 \ 


          --stacktrace relNotes 


 It’ll chug on for a bit, download half the internet, compile some 


 stuff, and then go bang. 


 Caused by: java.lang.StackOverflowError 


	 at net.sf.saxon.expr.SystemFunctionCall.optimize( 


	 at net.sf.saxon.expr.Operand.optimize( 


	 at net.sf.saxon.expr.Expression.optimizeChildren( 


	 at net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.SimpleNodeConstructor.optimize( 


	 at net.sf.saxon.expr.Operand.optimize( 


	 at net.sf.saxon.expr.Expression.optimizeChildren( 


	 at net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Block.optimize( 


	 at net.sf.saxon.expr.Operand.optimize( 


	 at net.sf.saxon.expr.Expression.optimizeChildren( 


	 at net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ParentNodeConstructor.optimize( 


	 at net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.FixedElement.optimize( 


	 at net.sf.saxon.expr.Operand.optimize( 


	 at net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ForEach.optimize( 


	 at net.sf.saxon.expr.Operand.optimize( 


	 at net.sf.saxon.expr.LetExpression.optimize( 


	 at net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ForEach.optimize( 


	 at net.sf.saxon.expr.Operand.optimize( 


	 at net.sf.saxon.expr.LetExpression.optimize( 


	 at net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ForEach.optimize( 


	 at net.sf.saxon.expr.Operand.optimize( 


	 at net.sf.saxon.expr.LetExpression.optimize( 


	 at net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ForEach.optimize( 


	 at net.sf.saxon.expr.Operand.optimize( 


	 at net.sf.saxon.expr.LetExpression.optimize( 




 On and on and on so many times that it blows out not just the stack, 


 but also the size limit for messages to this list! 
