


Bug #5859

Updated by Michael Kay over 1 year ago


 Saxon crashes if the input is a DOM tree containing namespaced ("DOM level 2") elements or attributes without with corresponding namespace declaration attributes. 

 **Problem Report** 

 The java net.sf.saxon.jaxp.TransformerImpl class has the method transform(Source xmlSource, final Result outputTarget). 

 Since version 10 in Saxon HE, it no longer properly copies over qualified namespaces from elements that are copied with xslt:copy-of. This is also broken in Saxon HE 11.4. 

 It seems to work fine with the DomResult type, but using a StreamResult does not return the namespaces of the copied elements. 
 The result is an undeclared namespace error. I have included a test project which works fine with Saxon HE 9.9.1-8, any later version does not copy the required namespaces.
