



Saxon Help

Subject Author Created Replies Last message
Should Saxon 9.7 HE with a version="3.0" stylesheet run in forwards compatible mode and ignore e.g. xsl:mode? Martin Honnen 2017-11-13 16:21 1 Added by Michael Kay over 6 years ago
RE: Should Saxon 9.7 HE with a version="3.0" stylesheet r...
bin:unpack-integer() and bin:unpack-unsigned-integer() T Hata 2017-11-11 16:46 1 Added by John Lumley over 6 years ago
RE: bin:unpack-integer() and bin:unpack-unsigned-integer()
Should XQuery Update work with Saxon EE-T from the command line? Martin Honnen 2017-11-07 16:23 1 Added by Michael Kay over 6 years ago
RE: Should XQuery Update work with Saxon EE-T from the co...
Remove attribute from element using Java API? Aleksandar M 2017-10-23 17:22 2 Added by Aleksandar M over 6 years ago
RE: Remove attribute from element using Java API?
QueryResult.serialize() returning unexpected results lin am 2017-10-20 20:02 5 Added by Michael Kay over 6 years ago
RE: QueryResult.serialize() returning unexpected results
XdmNode from MemoryStream without valid base URI Funkmaster roch 2017-10-17 11:15 7 Added by Michael Kay over 6 years ago
RE: XdmNode from MemoryStream without valid base URI
Not able to use burst-mode streaming with saxon9.7.0.12 Susan Chen 2017-10-12 18:53 4 Added by Michael Kay almost 7 years ago
RE: Not able to use burst-mode streaming with saxon9.7.0.12
Upgrading from Saxon-EE 9.6 to new transformation error "FORG0002" Charles Sun 2017-10-01 05:29 4 Added by Charles Sun almost 7 years ago
RE: Upgrading from Saxon-EE 9.6 to new transfor...
Optimizer rewrites expression so that stylesheet is not streamable Martin Honnen 2017-10-02 22:30 1 Added by Michael Kay almost 7 years ago
RE: Optimizer rewrites expression so that stylesheet is n...
saxon:timestamp() timezone T Hata 2017-10-02 11:04 2 Added by Michael Kay almost 7 years ago
RE: saxon:timestamp() timezone
Getting superfluous namespace declaration on XQuery result Martin Honnen 2017-10-01 14:52 0
How to chain two stylesheets using streaming and Saxon EE 9.8 .Net in C# code? Martin Honnen 2017-08-22 12:47 3 Added by Michael Kay almost 7 years ago
RE: How to chain two stylesheets using streaming and Saxo...
Saxon-EE seeing error message XQDY0025 Charles Sun 2017-09-22 23:12 9 Added by Charles Sun almost 7 years ago
RE: Saxon-EE seeing error message XQDY0025
Quirk with indentation of result document created from xsl:merge with streamable for-each-source Martin Honnen 2017-09-27 22:09 0
Invoking XQuery user-defined functions from Java: What is the supported way forward? Dave MacDonald 2017-09-25 22:24 1 Added by Michael Kay almost 7 years ago
RE: Invoking XQuery user-defined functions from Java: Wha...
Memory problems after migration from to Karol Szmit 2017-09-22 15:45 4 Added by Michael Kay almost 7 years ago
RE: Memory problems after migration from to
.NET: -s:URL on 9.8? T Hata 2017-09-20 06:24 2 Added by Michael Kay almost 7 years ago
RE: .NET: -s:URL on 9.8?
SaxonEE 9.7 Validate throwing an XPathException Jason Callister 2017-09-12 16:59 4 Added by Michael Kay almost 7 years ago
RE: SaxonEE 9.7 Validate throwing an XPathException
Use of accumulator-before() call in select expression of xsl:value-of changes streamability analysis Martin Honnen 2017-08-28 16:01 1 Added by Michael Kay almost 7 years ago
RE: Use of accumulator-before() call in select expression...
Escape sequence for special characters in XQuery/XPath Fady Moussallam 2017-08-29 12:52 1 Added by Michael Kay almost 7 years ago
RE: Escape sequence for special characters in XQuery/XPath
Extension Instructions Exceptions in 9.7 lin am 2017-08-25 21:02 2 Added by lin am almost 7 years ago
RE: Extension Instructions Exceptions in 9.7
saxon:import-query inside PE-Saxon xslt Jiri Dolejsi 2017-08-07 08:44 7 Added by Michael Kay almost 7 years ago
RE: saxon:import-query inside PE-Saxon xslt
Error message "Cannot use a schema-validated source document unless the stylesheet is schema-aware" when using xsl:output saxon:next-in-chain with Saxon 9.8 EE and streaming Martin Honnen 2017-08-22 11:46 0
Should using !saxon:next-in-chain=test201708180302.xsl work from the command line with Saxon 9.8? Martin Honnen 2017-08-18 21:37 4 Added by Michael Kay almost 7 years ago
RE: Should using !saxon:next-in-chain=test201708180302.xs...
When using xsl:output saxon:next-in-chain="sheet2.xsl" with Saxon 9.8 EE, in the sheet2.xsl system-property('xsl:product-name') shows HE Martin Honnen 2017-08-20 12:59 1 Added by Michael Kay almost 7 years ago
RE: When using xsl:output saxon:next-in-chain="sheet2.xsl...
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