


Support #2625 » XdmValue.h

Duygu Colak, 2016-02-23 10:01

// Copyright (c) 2014 Saxonica Limited.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
// If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at
// This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.


#include <string.h>
#include "SaxonProcessor.h"
#include <typeinfo> //used for testing only
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <list>
#include "SaxonCGlue.h"
#include "SaxonCXPath.h"

/*! <code>XdmValue</code>. Value in the XDM data model. A value is a sequence of zero or more items,
* each item being either an atomic value or a node. This class is a wrapper of the the XdmValue object created in Java.
* <p/>

class SaxonProcessor;
class XdmItem;


class XdmValue {

* A default Constructor. Create a empty value
xdmSize = 0;
refCount = 1;
jValues = NULL;

XdmValue(SaxonProcessor * p){
proc = p;
jValues = NULL;
refCount = 1;

* A copy constructor.
* @param val - Xdmvalue
//XdmValue(const XdmValue &other);

* Constructor. Create a value from a collection of items
* @param val - Xdmvalue
//XdmValue(XdmValue * items, int length);

* Constructor. Create a value from a collection of items
* @param container - entire container is expected
template <class ContainerType>
XdmValue(const ContainerType& container);

* Constructor. Create a value from a collection of items
* @param container - entire container is expected
template <class ForwardIteratorType>
XdmValue(ForwardIteratorType begin, ForwardIteratorType end);
* Constructor. Create a value from a collection of items
* @param val - Xdmvalue
//XdmValue(XdmItem *items, int length);

* Add an XdmItem to the sequence. This method is designed for the primitive types.
* @param type - specify target type of the value
* @param val - Value to convert
XdmValue * addXdmValueWithType(const char * tStr, const char * val);//TODO check and document

* Add an XdmItem to the sequence.
* See methods the functions in SaxonCXPath of the C library
* @param val - XdmItem object
void addXdmItem(XdmItem *val);

* Add an Java XdmValue object to the sequence.
* See methods the functions in SaxonCXPath of the C library
* @param val - Java object
XdmValue * addUnderlyingValue(jobject val);

//TODO XdmValue with constructor of sequence of values

* A Constructor. Wrap an Java XdmValue object.
* @param val - Java XdmValue object
XdmValue(jobject val);

virtual ~XdmValue();

void releaseXdmValue();

* Get the first item in the sequence
* @return XdmItem or null if sequence is empty
virtual XdmItem * getHead();

* Get the n'th item in the value, counting from zero.
* @param n the item that is required, counting the first item in the sequence as item zero
* @return the n'th item in the sequence making up the value, counting from zero
* return NULL if n is less than zero or greater than or equal to the number
* of items in the value
* return NULL if the value is lazily evaluated and the delayed
* evaluation fails with a dynamic error.
virtual XdmItem * itemAt(int n);

* Get the number of items in the sequence
virtual int size();

int getRefCount(){
return refCount;

void incrementRefCount(){
//std::cerr<<"refCount-inc-xdmVal="<<refCount<<" ob ref="<<(this)<<std::endl;

void decrementRefCount(){
if(refCount >0)
//std::cerr<<"refCount-dec-xdmVal="<<refCount<<" ob ref="<<(this)<<std::endl;

void setProcessor(SaxonProcessor *p){proc = p;}

/*const char * getErrorMessage(int i);
const char * getErrorCode(int i);
int exceptionCount();*/
const char * checkFailures(){return failure;}

* Get Java XdmValue object.
* @return jobject - The Java object of the XdmValue in its JNI representation
virtual jobject getUnderlyingValue(SaxonProcessor * proc);

* Get the type of the object
virtual XDM_TYPE getType();

SaxonProcessor *proc;
char* valueType; /*!< Cached. The type of the XdmValue */
//string valueStr; /*!< Cached. String representation of the XdmValue, if available */

std::vector<XdmItem*> values;
int xdmSize; /*!< Cached. The count of items in the XdmValue */
int refCount;
jobjectArray jValues;

#endif /** SAXON_XDMVALUE_H **/