


Bug #5055 » saxoncClasses.pxd

File contains set_catalog patch - O'Neil Delpratt, 2021-08-05 08:10

from libcpp cimport bool
from libcpp.string cimport string
from cimport map

cdef extern from "../SaxonProcessor.h":
cdef cppclass SaxonProcessor:
SaxonProcessor(bool) except +
#SaxonProcessor(const char * configFile) except +
bool license
char * version()
void release()

# set the current working directory
void setcwd(char* cwd)
const char* getcwd()

#SaxonProcessor * getProcessor()

#set saxon resources directory
void setResourcesDirectory(const char* dir)
#get saxon resources directory
const char * getResourcesDirectory()

#Set a configuration property specific to the processor in use.
#Properties specified here are common across all the processors.
void setConfigurationProperty(char * name, char * value)

#Clear configuration properties specific to the processor in use.
void clearConfigurationProperties()

bool isSchemaAware()

XsltProcessor * newXsltProcessor()

Xslt30Processor * newXslt30Processor()

XQueryProcessor * newXQueryProcessor()

XPathProcessor * newXPathProcessor()

SchemaValidator * newSchemaValidator()

XdmAtomicValue * makeStringValue(const char* str1)

XdmAtomicValue * makeIntegerValue(int i)

XdmAtomicValue * makeDoubleValue(double d)

XdmAtomicValue * makeFloatValue(float)

XdmAtomicValue * makeLongValue(long l)

XdmAtomicValue * make_boolean_value(bool b)

XdmAtomicValue * makeBooleanValue(bool b)

XdmAtomicValue * makeQNameValue(const char* str)

XdmAtomicValue * makeAtomicValue(const char* type, const char* value)

void setCatalog(const char * filename, bool isTracing)

const char * getStringValue(XdmItem * item)

XdmNode * parseXmlFromString(const char* source)

XdmNode * parseXmlFromFile(const char* source)

XdmNode * parseXmlFromUri(const char* source)

bool isSchemaAwareProcessor()

bool exceptionOccurred()

void exceptionClear()

cdef cppclass XsltProcessor:
XsltProcessor() except +
# set the current working directory
void setcwd(const char* cwd)

#Set the source document from an XdmNode for the transformation.
void setSourceFromXdmNode(XdmNode * value)

#Set the source from file for the transformation.
void setSourceFromFile(const char * filename)

#Set the output file of where the transformation result is sent
void setOutputFile(const char* outfile)

void setJustInTimeCompilation(bool jit)

void setParameter(const char* name, XdmValue*value)

XdmValue* getParameter(const char* name)

bool removeParameter(const char* name)

void setProperty(const char* name, const char* value)

void clearParameters()

void clearProperties()

XdmValue * getXslMessages()

void transformFileToFile(const char* sourcefile, const char* stylesheetfile, const char* outputfile)
char * transformFileToString(const char* sourcefile, const char* stylesheetfile)

XdmValue * transformFileToValue(const char* sourcefile, const char* stylesheetfile)

void compileFromFile(const char* stylesheet)

void compileFromString(const char* stylesheet)

void compileFromStringAndSave(const char* stylesheet, const char* filename)

void compileFromFileAndSave(const char* xslFilename, const char* filename)

void compileFromXdmNodeAndSave(XdmNode * node, const char* outputfile)

void compileFromXdmNode(XdmNode * node)

void releaseStylesheet()

char * transformToString()

XdmValue * transformToValue()

void transformToFile()

bool exceptionOccurred()

const char* checkException()

void exceptionClear()
int exceptionCount()

const char * getErrorMessage(int)

const char * getErrorCode(int)

cdef cppclass Xslt30Processor:
Xslt30Processor() except +
# set the current working directory
void setcwd(const char* cwd)

void setGlobalContextItem(XdmItem * value)

# Set the source from file for the transformation.
void setGlobalContextFromFile(const char * filename)

# The initial value to which templates are to be applied (equivalent to the <code>select</code> attribute of <code>xsl:apply-templates</code>)
void setInitialMatchSelection(XdmValue * selection)

# The initial filename to which templates are to be applied (equivalent to the <code>select</code> attribute of <code>xsl:apply-templates</code>).
void setInitialMatchSelectionAsFile(const char * filename)

# Set the output file of where the transformation result is sent
void setOutputFile(const char* outfile)

# Say whether just-in-time compilation of template rules should be used.
void setJustInTimeCompilation(bool jit)

void setResultAsRawValue(bool option)

# Set the value of a stylesheet parameter
void setParameter(const char* name, XdmValue*value, bool _static)

# Get a parameter value by name
XdmValue* getParameter(const char* name)

# Remove a parameter (name, value) pair from a stylesheet
bool removeParameter(const char* name)

# Set a property specific to the processor in use.
void setProperty(const char* name, const char* value)

void setInitialTemplateParameters(map[string,XdmValue*] parameters, bool tunnel)

XdmValue ** createXdmValueArray(int len)

void deleteXdmValueArray(XdmValue** arr, int len)

# Get a property value by name
const char* getProperty(const char* name)

# Get all parameters as a std::map
map[string,XdmValue*]& getParameters()

# Get all properties as a std::map
map[string,string]& getProperties()

# Clear parameter values set
void clearParameters(bool deleteValues=false)

# Clear property values set
void clearProperties()

# Get the messages written using the <code>xsl:message</code> instruction
XdmValue * getXslMessages()

# Perform a one shot transformation. The result is stored in the supplied outputfile.
void transformFileToFile(const char* sourcefile, const char* stylesheetfile, const char* outputfile)

# Perform a one shot transformation. The result is returned as a string
const char * transformFileToString(const char* sourcefile, const char* stylesheetfile)

# Perform a one shot transformation. The result is returned as an XdmValue
XdmValue * transformFileToValue(const char* sourcefile, const char* stylesheetfile)

# compile a stylesheet file.
void compileFromFile(const char* stylesheet)

# compile a stylesheet received as a string.
void compileFromString(const char* stylesheet)

# Get the stylesheet associated via the xml-stylesheet processing instruction
void compileFromAssociatedFile(const char* sourceFile)

# Compile a stylesheet received as a string and save to an exported file (SEF).
void compileFromStringAndSave(const char* stylesheet, const char* filename)

# Compile a stylesheet received as a file and save to an exported file (SEF).
void compileFromFileAndSave(const char* xslFilename, const char* filename)

# Compile a stylesheet received as an XdmNode. The compiled stylesheet is cached
# and available for execution later.
void compileFromXdmNodeAndSave(XdmNode * node, const char* filename)

# compile a stylesheet received as an XdmNode.
void compileFromXdmNode(XdmNode * node)

# Invoke the stylesheet by applying templates to a supplied input sequence, Saving the results to file.
void applyTemplatesReturningFile(const char * stylesheetFilename, const char* outfile)

# Invoke the stylesheet by applying templates to a supplied input sequence, Saving the results as serialized string.
const char* applyTemplatesReturningString(const char * stylesheetFilename)

# Invoke the stylesheet by applying templates to a supplied input sequence, Saving the results as an XdmValue.
XdmValue * applyTemplatesReturningValue(const char * stylesheetFilename)

# Invoke a transformation by calling a named template and save result to file.
void callTemplateReturningFile(const char * stylesheetFilename, const char* templateName, const char* outfile)

# Invoke a transformation by calling a named template and return result as a string.
const char* callTemplateReturningString(const char * stylesheetFilename, const char* templateName)

# Invoke a transformation by calling a named template and return result as an XdmValue.
XdmValue* callTemplateReturningValue(const char * stylesheetFilename, const char* templateName)

# Call a public user-defined function in the stylesheet
# Here we wrap the result in an XML document, and sending this document to a specified file
void callFunctionReturningFile(const char * stylesheetFilename, const char* functionName, XdmValue ** arguments, int argument_length, const char* outfile)

# Call a public user-defined function in the stylesheet
# Here we wrap the result in an XML document, and serialized this document to string value
const char * callFunctionReturningString(const char * stylesheetFilename, const char* functionName, XdmValue ** arguments, int argument_length)

# Call a public user-defined function in the stylesheet
# Here we wrap the result in an XML document, and return the document as an XdmVale
XdmValue * callFunctionReturningValue(const char * stylesheetFilename, const char* functionName, XdmValue ** arguments, int argument_length)

void addPackages(const char ** fileNames, int length)

void clearPackages()

# Internal method to release cached stylesheet
void releaseStylesheet()

# Execute transformation to string. Properties supplied in advance.
const char * transformToString(XdmNode * source)

# Execute transformation to Xdm Value. Properties supplied in advance.
XdmValue * transformToValue(XdmNode * source)

# Execute transformation to file. Properties supplied in advance.
void transformToFile(XdmNode * source)

# Checks for pending exceptions without creating a local reference to the exception object
bool exceptionOccurred()

# Check for exception thrown.
const char* checkException()

# Clear any exception thrown
void exceptionClear()

# Get number of errors reported during execution or evaluate of stylesheet
int exceptionCount()

# Get the ith error message if there are any error
const char * getErrorMessage(int i)

# Get the ith error code if there are any error
const char * getErrorCode(int i)

cdef cppclass SchemaValidator:
SchemaValidator() except +

void setcwd(const char* cwd)

void registerSchemaFromFile(const char * xsd)

void registerSchemaFromString(const char * schemaStr)

void setOutputFile(const char * outputFile)

void validate(const char * sourceFile) except +
XdmNode * validateToNode(const char * sourceFile) except +

void setSourceNode(XdmNode * source)

XdmNode* getValidationReport()

void setParameter(const char * name, XdmValue*value)

bool removeParameter(const char * name)

void setProperty(const char * name, const char * value)

void clearParameters()

void clearProperties()

bool exceptionOccurred()

const char* checkException()

void exceptionClear()

int exceptionCount()

const char * getErrorMessage(int i)
const char * getErrorCode(int i)

void setLax(bool l)

cdef cppclass XPathProcessor:
XPathProcessor() except +

void setBaseURI(const char * uriStr)

XdmValue * evaluate(const char * xpathStr)
XdmItem * evaluateSingle(const char * xpathStr)

void setContextItem(XdmItem * item)
void setcwd(const char* cwd)

void setContextFile(const char * filename)

bool effectiveBooleanValue(const char * xpathStr)

void setParameter(const char * name, XdmValue*value)

bool removeParameter(const char * name)

void setProperty(const char * name, const char * value)

void declareNamespace(const char *prefix, const char * uri)

void setBackwardsCompatible(bool option)

void setCaching(bool caching)

void importSchemaNamespace(const char * uri)

void clearParameters()

void clearProperties()

bool exceptionOccurred()

void exceptionClear()

int exceptionCount()

const char * getErrorMessage(int i)

const char * getErrorCode(int i)

const char* checkException()

cdef cppclass XQueryProcessor:
XQueryProcessor() except +

void setContextItem(XdmItem * value) except +

void setOutputFile(const char* outfile)

void setContextItemFromFile(const char * filename)

void setParameter(const char * name, XdmValue*value)

bool removeParameter(const char * name)

void setProperty(const char * name, const char * value)

void clearParameters()

void clearProperties()

void setUpdating(bool updating)

XdmValue * runQueryToValue() except +
const char * runQueryToString() except +

void runQueryToFile() except +

void declareNamespace(const char *prefix, const char * uri) except +

void setQueryFile(const char* filename)

void setQueryContent(const char* content)

void setQueryBaseURI(const char * baseURI)

void setcwd(const char* cwd)

const char* checkException()

bool exceptionOccurred()

void exceptionClear()

int exceptionCount()

const char * getErrorMessage(int i)

const char * getErrorCode(int i)

cdef extern from "../XdmValue.h":
cdef cppclass XdmValue:
XdmValue() except +

void addXdmItem(XdmItem *val)
#void releaseXdmValue()

XdmItem * getHead()

XdmItem * itemAt(int)

int size()

const char * toString()

void incrementRefCount()

void decrementRefCount()

int getRefCount()

int getType()

cdef extern from "../XdmItem.h":
cdef cppclass XdmItem(XdmValue):
XdmItem() except +
const char * getStringValue()
bool isAtomic()

cdef extern from "../XdmNode.h":
cdef cppclass XdmNode(XdmItem):
bool isAtomic()

int getNodeKind()

const char * getNodeName()

XdmValue * getTypedValue()

const char* getBaseUri()

XdmNode* getParent()

const char* getAttributeValue(const char *str)

int getAttributeCount()

XdmNode** getAttributeNodes()

XdmNode** getChildren()

int getChildCount()

cdef extern from "../XdmAtomicValue.h":
cdef cppclass XdmAtomicValue(XdmItem):
XdmAtomicValue() except +

const char * getPrimitiveTypeName()

bool getBooleanValue()

double getDoubleValue()

long getLongValue()
