Open Stylesheet Processing
Added by Anonymous almost 15 years ago
Legacy ID: #8262136 Legacy Poster: Bruno Feurer (bfeurer)
Hello Mr. Kay I'd like to process small to medium sized XML documents with virtually one open-sized XSLT stylesheet. The structure of the different input documents should be able to evolve and grow independently from the process itself. The process should be able to handle any new namespace and element type with the addition of corresponding template matches. Since such a all-mighty stylesheet would soon grow too big, I would like to break it down, for example by namespace: 1) The process first scans the input document for all the namespaces contained. Then it dynamically builds a stylesheet, importing the according stylesheets per namespace. The result gets compiled and the input transformed. 2) The process scans the input document for the namespaces contained and builds a pipeline with the pre-compiled stylesheets, handling these namespaces. The input gets transformed step-by-step. 3) The process starts with the stylesheet for the root namespace. For all the unknown namespaces transforms the node with the pre-compiled stylesheet for the according namespace via the saxon:transform() extension. Every "foreign" node gets transformed separatly. Which approach do you think performs best? do you have ideas for another approach? The number of namespaces within one input document is only a small subset of the possible overall selection. Some namespaces appear more often, others very seldom. A proper cache management would prevent the process from pre-compiling all the stylesheets in a long term, wide coverage usage. Thanks, Bruno
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RE: Open Stylesheet Processing
Added by Anonymous almost 15 years ago
Legacy ID: #8262169 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)
Sorry, I'm not sure I can offer any useful design advice here. I would need to spend a lot more time studying the project requirements.
RE: Open Stylesheet Processing
Added by Anonymous almost 15 years ago
Legacy ID: #8313036 Legacy Poster: Bruno Feurer (bfeurer)
Hello Mr. Kay Maybe I've been too specific somehow..., don't see where though... any way, the problem, I'd like to grasp, is more of a general nature, there are no specific project requirements. I've played around with some arbitrary test examples: Maybe you can use the results and I would be happy about comments. Regards, Bruno
RE: Open Stylesheet Processing
Added by Anonymous almost 15 years ago
Legacy ID: #8313427 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)
Thanks for sharing the data. Performance measurement is always illuminating, and it often raises a new question for every one that it answers. The difference for the figures with 1 "content element" versus 2 content elements is certainly striking, and I would think it is worth investigating further. Without any idea what your actual XSLT code looks like, I can't give any more specific advice.
RE: Open Stylesheet Processing
Added by Anonymous almost 15 years ago
Legacy ID: #8314514 Legacy Poster: Bruno Feurer (bfeurer)
sorry about that, shows all the files.
RE: Open Stylesheet Processing
Added by Anonymous almost 15 years ago
Legacy ID: #8314923 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)
Just had a very quick glance at your code (I'm afraid I won't have time to do more). You need to be aware that using a DOMSource with Saxon is very inefficient - typically 4-10 times the cost of using Saxon's native tree (which gets built if you supply a StreamSource or SAXSource).
RE: Open Stylesheet Processing
Added by Anonymous almost 15 years ago
Legacy ID: #8323623 Legacy Poster: Bruno Feurer (bfeurer)
Thank you for your time and thanks for the hint! Things have changed considerably and make more sense when taking the DOMSource out of the equation. Here the new results: .
RE: Open Stylesheet Processing
Added by Anonymous almost 15 years ago
Legacy ID: #8324709 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)
Good, that makes sense. On occasions I've been tempted to change Saxon so that when given a DOMSource it defaults to converting it to a TinyTree rather than wrapping it - the trouble is that neither strategy is better all the time, and changing it will break applications.
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