


What makes an XPath (string)?

Added by Anonymous almost 15 years ago

Legacy ID: #7759365 Legacy Poster: Stefan_E (stefane1)

I'm a newbie to XQuery and XPath. Posted below question over at Oxygen, but didn't yet get the reply I wanted :-( I'm trying to compare two XML structures. The problem I now have: What exactly makes an XPath (string?)? I have the following code: declare variable $x1 := 25 10 ; declare variable $x2 := 30 10 ; for $node in $x1/rec return for $elem in $node/* return if ($elem = $x2/rec/*[local-name()=local-name($elem)]) then ({$elem}) else ({$elem}) which produces 25 10 So far so good, but it took me a while to get there. Specifically, in my original trials, I had something like return if ($elem = $x2/rec/local-name($elem)) then ({$elem}) else ({$elem}) What confuses me: - Checking with the debugger, I find local-name(elem) = 'd1' - but also $x2/rec/local-name($elem) evaluates to 'd1' (rather than what I expected: 30) Hence, what I picture for myself as an XPath string seems to be the wrong concept. But what is the right one? My programming background is mostly perl, where I would happily expect a string expansion before evaluation. But if this is not the case in XQuery: Why does the interpreter not bark on the apparently useless part of the path string ($x2/rec)? The question is really two-fold: - what's going on in above example? - where do I learn the underlying concepts? The O'Reilly book on XQuery doesn't really explain the underlying grammatical principles (or I didn't find them...) Thanks for your help! Stefan

Replies (2)

RE: What makes an XPath (string)? - Added by Anonymous almost 15 years ago

Legacy ID: #7759603 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

This forum is intended for questions specific to the Saxon product: a good place for general XSLT and XPath coding help is the xsl-list at (although you're actually in XQuery territory here, for which there is another list - talk at The "/" operator means "evaluate the rhs operand once for every item in the sequence produced by evaluating the lhs operand, with that item as the context item". So $x2/rec/local-name($elem) means evaluaye local-name($elem) once for every element in $x2/rec. There is only one element in $x2/rec, so local-name($elem) gets evaluated exactly once, and returns, of course, the local name of the node in variable $elem. It's usually rather pointless to have an expression on the rhs of "/" than doesn't depend on the context item, but it's not banned: there are plenty of expressions that are pointless, like $x * 1, and it's a general principle of modern language design that being pointless is not in itself justification for making something illegal. You were thinking, of course, that the local name of $elem would be used as a NameTest in the next step of the path expression. Well, the language doesn't work that way: you can't generate bits of syntax on the fly by evaluating expressions, and then have that syntax parsed and evaluated again. It's surprising what people sometimes expect: there was a post on the Wrox forum today where someone wanted to use a variable containing the string "and" or "or" in place of the actual operator. I guess there are some completely interpretive shell languages that allow that, but XPath isn't one of them.

RE: What makes an XPath (string)? - Added by Anonymous almost 15 years ago

Legacy ID: #7761271 Legacy Poster: Stefan_E (stefane1)

Hi Michael, thanks for your detailed reply. Your rhs/lhs explanation makes a lot more sense than much of what I've read online and in the XQuery book :-). Once such conceptual things are clear, the rest probably goes down more easily ...


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