What Jars do I need to run with saxon 9.5 EE
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Added by Alex Muir almost 11 years ago
Hi, I was trying to run a calabash program with saxon9.5 EE although I would get messages that suggest there are some jars I require other than calabash and saxon.. What jars do I need?
What messages are you getting?
oh I just had to add :../../../lib2/httpclient-4.3.3.jar the jar and on the classpath..
I had been running without that jar for an earlier version of saxon9ee..
java -classpath ../../../lib2/saxon9ee.jar:../../../lib2/calabash.jar com.xmlcalabash.drivers.Main --with-param element_name=$1 ../scripts/xproc/extract-xsd-from-rdf.xpl
On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 12:42 PM, Saxonica Developer Community < dropbox+saxonica+f38e@plan.io> wrote:
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