Indicative schedule for Saxon/C ?
Added by Sean B. Durkin over 9 years ago
My employer would be keen to purchase a license for Saxon/C at the Saxon-EE-T level. I understand that this is under development?
Can you give a rough estimate of when this product will be available?
(Our development language is Embarcadero Delphi - it's a kind of Pascal)
Faithfully, Sean B. Durkin
Replies (2)
RE: Indicative schedule for Saxon/C ? - Added by O'Neil Delpratt over 9 years ago
Hi Sean,
Sorry for the delay. I would say it is several weeks rather than months. The C/C++ interface at a stable state. We are currently working on the PHP extension.
RE: Indicative schedule for Saxon/C ? - Added by Michael Kay over 9 years ago
I would just like to add to O'Neil's response. It's always been my policy not to commit to release dates, because a self-imposed deadline can easily lead to products being released before they are ready. I'm very keen to get Saxon/C out as soon as we possibly can, but it has taken a fair bit of time (a) to get the API design to a level that we are really comfortable with, and (b) to get the test framework to a point where we can be confident in the product's reliability. We think we are nearly there - though unfortunately we seem to be in the "final testing" phase of both Saxon/C and Saxon 9.7 simultaneously, which is stretching our resources a little.
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