


saxon 8.7 and saxon-ee in the same class path

Added by ozkan ozcan over 7 years ago


I am dependent on saxon 8 for xom and I want to use saxon-ee for xsd11 validation. How can these two jars reside on the same class path. When I put both, I get the exception: java.lang.SecurityException: class "net.sf.saxon.trace.InstructionInfo"'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package When I remove saxon 8, I get this one java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/sf/saxon/trace/TraceListener .

How can I resolve this conflict?


Replies (2)

RE: saxon 8.7 and saxon-ee in the same class path - Added by Michael Kay over 7 years ago

Tough one.

In general you can't have two versions of Saxon on the classpath. There are a couple of ways around this (but you'll need to work out the details yourself, we can't give you much help): one is to use OSGi, the other is to rename the classes in one of the JAR files using the jarjar tool.

Could you expand on the statement "I am dependent on saxon 8 for xom". I'm not aware of XOM having any dependency on any specific version of Saxon. Where does this dependency come from?

RE: saxon 8.7 and saxon-ee in the same class path - Added by ozkan ozcan over 7 years ago

Hi Michael,

are there some classes, such as TraceListener, missing in saxon ee jar?

By the way, nux, not xom, depends on saxon. I am using nux XQueries.



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