


Possible gains using Javolution

Added by Anonymous about 14 years ago

Legacy ID: #8450814 Legacy Poster: Roger Araújo (roger_rf)

Hi, I profiled an app of mine which uses Saxon to parse a significant amount of XML data, and I've noticed Saxon was using many Lists and Maps. The default List and Map implementations by Sun/Oracle are not as performant as those offered by the Javolution library, so I thought maybe Saxon could harvest some performance / memory consumption gains by using Javolution: [url][/url] Cheers, Roger

Replies (2)

RE: Possible gains using Javolution - Added by Anonymous about 14 years ago

Legacy ID: #8451270 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

Thanks for the suggestion. Before doing any work in this area, I would want evidence that there is a significant opportunity for visible improvements to user workloads. Intrinsically, it seems likely to me that Saxon is spending at most 5% of its time in these classes, and that a 10% faster implementation of the classes will therefore give a bottom line improvement of 0.5% at best. No-one will notice that; it's therefore not worth the implementation effort and the risk of introducing bugs. That's my starting position - feel free to try and persuade me otherwise. It's worth noting that Saxon already avoids using the standard Collection classes on many paths where performance is known to be critical.

RE: Possible gains using Javolution - Added by Anonymous about 14 years ago

Legacy ID: #8451422 Legacy Poster: Roger Araújo (roger_rf)

Hmm, I had no idea the situation was so. I was recently involved in a project where overall performance benefited from using Javolution (since the collections we processed were so large), so I thought maybe Saxon could benefit as well. After your analysis, however, I agree that the speed gains would be indeed negligible, but I believe that perhaps memory consumption could be reduced by a more interesting margin. However, lacking proper testing and solid numbers, it really doesn't seem worth the effort. Thanks for your time.


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