


Native compilation with GraalVM (HE 12.4) / success

Added by Eric Marsden 28 days ago


This message to note that the native-image builder in GraalVM is now able to generate a native executable from the v12.4 jar files, at least on Linux. This wasn't possible last time I checked due to a native-image bug.

I used this command (it's also possible to install GraalVM locally, of course):

podman run --rm -v .:/app native-image -O2 --no-fallback -H:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -H:+RemoveUnusedSymbols -H:ReflectionConfigurationFiles=reflection-config.json -cp lib/xmlresolver-5.2.2.jar:lib/xmlresolver-5.2.2-data.jar -jar saxon-he-12.4.jar

The small reflection-config.json is attached. I haven't run any tests but the generated image works for my very basic XSLT needs, with the "-s", "-xsl" and "-o" commandline arguments.

It generates a 42MB executable (linked to glibc) from the 5.4MB jar file for saxon-he-12.4. This compresses to 17M with the upx executable packer.

Replies (2)

RE: Native compilation with GraalVM (HE 12.4) / success - Added by Martin Honnen 28 days ago

Are you aware of SaxonC ("The latest release is SaxonC 12.4.2, built from SaxonJ 12.4 (using GraalVM Native Image 22.3.1), released 25 January 2024, on Linux, MacOS and Windows.")?

RE: Native compilation with GraalVM (HE 12.4) / success - Added by Eric Marsden 28 days ago

I had misunderstood the licensing situation concerning Saxon-C, and didn't realize that an open source (MPL) version was available for that, thanks for pointing this out.


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