


Using PreparedStylesheet with S9 API?

Added by Anonymous about 15 years ago

Legacy ID: #7455270 Legacy Poster: David W (dwiser6502)

newbie question... I started using the S9 API and now want to have an optional feature where a compiled stylesheet could be used. I've created a PreparedStylesheet object successfully from a file but I need to turn that into an XsltExecutable. Does anyone have an example of how to use the S9 API with a compiled stylesheet? Here's the code that doesn't compile: // xslFile is mysheet.sxx PreparedStylesheet pss = PreparedStylesheet.loadCompiledStylesheet(config, new ObjectInputStream(xslFile.getInputStream())); XsltExecutable myExecutable = pss.getExecutable(); // type cast problem

Replies (1)

RE: Using PreparedStylesheet with S9 API? - Added by Anonymous about 15 years ago

Legacy ID: #7455502 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

The XsltExecutable object wraps a PreparedStylesheet. It exposes a method to get the underlying PreparedStylesheet, but it doesn't provide any way to construct an XsltExecutable that wraps a PreparedStylesheet that you create yourself (the relevant constructor is protected). So as far as I can see, this can't be done.


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