


XQJ ModuleURIResolver Behavior

Added by Anonymous over 15 years ago

Legacy ID: #6353474 Legacy Poster: Monte Hansen (montehansen)

I am using saxonb9-1-0-5 xqj to process an xquery template that imports another. I have implemented URIResolver and ModuleURIResolver. The import looks like so: > import module namespace myns="urn:someurn" at "format-number.xq"; ModuleURIResolver.resolve() fires as expected. However, the locations[] field has pre-resolved the import to <env.getBaseURI()>/<moduleImportSpec>, which in my case is effectively <working-directory>/format-number.xq. Worse is when I prefix the module name with "/" (or "/somedir/"), the locations[] field is left as a literal, but without the leading "/", it attempts to resolve the path using concatenation <env.getBaseURI()>/<baseURI>/format-number.xq, and the baseURI field is always empty. I think it's customary to specify modules located in the same folder without a leading path separator (meant to be relative to the resolver’s baseURI). Arguably, this behavior might be appropriate if the implementation hadn't registered its own resolver, but when it has, the location[] values have now been corrupted since the resolver has no way of knowing whether the template intended the path part, or if it's Saxon. This forces the resolver to make dangerous assumptions it shouldn't have to. When I look at the source of the QueryParser.applyModuleImport method, it appears you might have intended for the platform.makeAbsolute call to be applied on modules already loaded, not sure. In either event, it would seem to be a bug or erroneous logic. Might I suggest a change such that the job of resolving uri is left to the registered URIResolver. Thanks for your consideration. Monte

Replies (1)

RE: XQJ ModuleURIResolver Behavior - Added by Anonymous over 15 years ago

Legacy ID: #6355457 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

It's working this way by design. I feel strongly that the relative URI in the module location list should be interpreted as being relative to the static base URI of the module in which it appears, and that the module resolver should not be able to change this. This is a fundamental characteristic of the semantics of a relative URI. The job of the ModuleURIResolver is to dereference the resulting absolute URI, not to perform the initial absolutization. JAXP in its URIResolver design got this wrong, and it causes a lot of problems because it means there is no way of knowing wither two URIs are equivalent. I didn't want to repeat that mistake. The XmlResolver in .NET is a better model. If you're having problems with this, perhaps it's because you aren't setting the static base URI of the original module correctly? If you don't want the location to be treated as a relative URI, then you can always specify an absolute URI. If you really want to ignore what the specs have to say about the semantics of URIs entirely, you can always invent your own private URI scheme, and then you can do anything you like.


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